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Kiki's ABD guide
Kikis super detailed guide ABD

Welcome to a in-depth guide to the most played mod on toribash.

Of course, we can't teach you to be GOOD at this mod, because the only way for that to be accomplished is to practice playing this mod.
What we can do, is help you use your skill in the best way possible.


Ok, lets start of with the most played mod everywhere. Its also the most popular COMPETITIVE mod among the people.
Being used for BETTING servers as well as DUELING servers, this mod is essential if you wanna get a good knowledge of the other mods.
This partially includes aikido.tbm itself, but we wont focus on that now.
Lets start, shall we ?

1. Openers

- I am not here to teach you what opener is "The best", because there is none. This is a skill-based mod, in which you require a decent knowledge in order to compete with high-tier players.
What I reccomend: Is the usual starting noob clap opener w/ or w/o contracted wrists. (Preferably contracted)
This is used by higher level players, as its a good opener that is stable, and won't ruin your balance when done.
What I don't reccomend: Using openers that will leave your pecs open to the "contracted wrists" ones. This leaves your opponent the opportunity to use the momentum to take your arm off.
Replay example can be found at the end of the post, named "Pec swipe".

2. Grabs

- There are 5 types of grabs(not including selfgrabs) recognized in aikido (involving wrists only, ofc).
-First one is the Both grab with contracted wrists. It happens when both you, and your opponent use the noobclap contracted wrist opener (and its variants).
-Second one is, the inside grabs. You get those by placing your contracted wrist inside your opponents relaxed/hold/extended wrist.
This can be used as a great advantage, as your opponent is unable to contract the wrists in a lot of situations, and gives you the opportunity to perform an elbow lock on him quite easy (this is why i don't reccomend the extended wrist noobclap). You also have an opportunity to break his wrists easily by extending them a lot.
-Third one is the both wrist extended grab. Self-explanatory, nothing special there.
-Fourth one is the glitched grabs. This essentialy means that when you and your opponent get into a contracted wrist duel, your right hand can escape the grab, EVEN if your opponents wrist is set to grab (if the wrist grabs are clear).
-Fifth one is something I call GRAB-INSIDE-A-GRAB. What this is, during the battle of you and your opponent, when your wrists grabs are clear, the wrists might fuze together. Now, there is a LOSER and a WINNER in this situation.
How to check if you won the grab battle ? Easy. Just click on the wrist.
After ungrabbing, if your wrist goes over your opponents on the ghost when ungrabbed, YOU DO NOT LET GO.
This means you have LOST the grab battle. If you decide to let go, there is a pretty good chance that your wrist will fall off.
After ungrabbing, if your wrist stays in the same position (just ungrabbed) and not going OVER your opponents wrist, then you are good to let go, if you want that is.
I don't reccomend letting go when you won the wrist battle like this, because your enemy is unable to extend his elbow most of the time, which gives a GREAT advantage.
If the grabbed joint is a knee : If opponents hand is UNDER the joint - DO NOT contract. If you wanna lower the knee to save yourself, your best option is to relax it.
If its OVER the joint, you are fine with contracting it and extending it most of the time (sometimes you won't be able to do those movements, depends on the grab)

~If your wrist is hitting the ground hard, relaxing it and the elbow should do the work~

3. Lifts

Ooh you gotta love them lifts. They are everywhere in ABD. You just gotta deal with them.
There is a few diffrent lifts that can occur:
1. Good ol' lemme grab, then extend my hips and raise my shoulders so you fly up.
2. Kick lifts
3. Contracted knees, then pushed up.

I know those seem like an impossible thing to counter when they occur, but they are NOT!
The best way to counter those is to do one of them yourself.
To counter any of those ISNT too hard, depends on what you do.
Contracted wrist opener is quite helpful here.
You can counter them by doing the same thing they are doing.
Push them back hard, just like you would when you were to shovel them.

-If you got into the air, bummer. Now this depends if your opponent knows how to walk you out. If he doesn't, he will most likely fail at lifting you further more.
If he does, shet. Yet, don't panic. This is still counterable. What you want to do in this situation is to literally WIGGLE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
Make it as hard as possible to him, which means Push him away from you, then pull him back, rotate chest , place a kick / knee him. <- You can learn those by watching pros do it, and then practice it further more.

More on lifts from :

-Lift counter #1 by SmallBowl-

-Lift counter #2 by SmallBowl-

4. Elbow locks

This occurs when your opponent extends wrist, and your pecs are usually extended too, which applies a lot of pressure on your wrists and your arm, and therefore makes you unable to extend your elbow fully, making you MUCH more easier to DQ.
One way to get your elbow to normal is to lower the shoulder while extending the elbow.
No matter the situation, this usually frees your elbow from being locked.
Ofc, there will be situations where you won't be able to rotate chest/lower shoulder, therefore your opponent will auto-win with that elbow lock.
Overtime you'll learn to prevent those from happening.
Also contracting the elbow might help when lowering.

5. Decap openers

Countering DECAP openers:
A simple elbow grab to a decap opener can slow the momentum from it.
Do NOT do:
Contract hips
Lower your body downwards/upwards too much.
In situations like this you should extend neck, which prevents the decap 90% of the time (only if your opponent is not grabing your neck directly)
If your opponent IS grabbing your neck directly, your best choice is to RELAX or extend it too.

6. Snap kicks

-Countering a snap kick is quite easy.
What I recommend: Relax all (or the part of the body thats about to get hit (usually hips, pecs, and shoulders)
Pulling your opponent towards you, which causes him to miss the attack (you could also place a knee in there aswell).
Lower the shoulder the kick is going to.
What I don't recommend: Holding all

7. Areas to punch/kick

-These are the joints that are most likely to dismember when hit with a good kick/punch, and I would recommend always going for those when possible:
1. Pec
2. Hip
3. Glute
4. Neck

8. Balance

-Balance is crucial in this mod.
What I am gonna talk about here is ground control, keeping your feet on the ground, and the advantages it gives you.
While you're in the air and your opponent has both feet on the ground, you're not in control, therefore giving your opponent more of an advantage.
In the situations you're up in the air, trying to get ground control is the first thing you want to happen.
If you're on the other side, where you got your opponent in the air, you can control him and push him out quite easily, depending on your level of skill and ability to improvise.

-If you see your opponent coming down from a lift/push of yours, or is about to counter your lift and land softly on his feet, the first thing you want to do is to be sure that his counter force is not as strong as his.
NEVER lower shoulders in these cases, it'll be way easier for your opponent to lift you.

Instead, keep them raised and relax your knees and hips, and get as close to the ground as possible. It'll make your opponent way harder to push you out.

I've covered a few stuff that hasn't been covered in other tutorials.
If you want more info on other stuff, make sure to post below, or check other peoples tutorials.


~Thanks to : Belliveon, eElectro, b3aquino, Truth,
Attached Files
Pec swipe.rpl (46.4 KB, 106 views)
Last edited by WorldEater; Oct 28, 2017 at 03:37 PM.
I'm a ToriAgent, got any questions? Send me a private message here.
Maybe add something about decap openers and how to counter them
Last edited by WorldEater; Feb 28, 2015 at 04:26 PM.
Originally Posted by d3noth View Post
really nice tut man good work

Maybe add something about decap openers and how to counter them


WorldEater Moderated Message:
Please write longer posts.
Last edited by Money; Feb 28, 2015 at 04:33 PM.
I'm a ToriAgent, got any questions? Send me a private message here.
Awh, thanks dor adding me

Anyway, how about snap kicks? They're pretty common...
MagmaClash Spastic023 ghostz11 Brie
Originally Posted by b3aquino View Post
Awh, thanks dor adding me

Anyway, how about snap kicks? They're pretty common...

Its located at the end of the post.
Gg 10/10
I'm a ToriAgent, got any questions? Send me a private message here.
Abd matches rarely end in point wins so you have to be a good grappler. Get a couple points in the beginning and if you have too, go for points
I give this tutorial a 8/10.

You explain everything you should do when playing ABD. I see a lot of people hold all to counter a snap kick and it is really not the best way to counter. Holding all to counter a snap kick can lead to splits, shoulder getting kicked, or even pecs.

Although, there are other types of lifts like the Crescent lift. When an opponent will lift you and use their legs to walk off with the lift. They usually walk it off until you get to the edge of the ring.

And finally for the Areas to punch/kick. I believe the 5th joint to hit is also the shoulder.

Other than all of that, really great tutorial man.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
Try to add some things about suplexing, it really changes an entire match when you can get one right. Also maybe places where you should aim to fracture (for when you know you don't have enough power to get a DM).
Some rely on getting lifted to the edge, and then turning the lifter over.
I'm a ToriAgent, got any questions? Send me a private message here.