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[IMG] Some robotic head
Ok, time has come to make some money, but, Bojan is very busy now so he must use everything at his disposal to speed up the texture making (read: he uses now copy/paste shit). I did draw the mask and effects but the rest is edited copy/paste images, photoshop filters and all kind of things. Need R&R, and some real price for this thing before I put it on auction.

Head is 512x512, this is 256x256 spiny.

Wow, simply amazing! I love the front and the shaders on it. I also like the lights, so that makes a perfect head, 10/10!
Anyone have an idea for the price? Starting bid, minimal raise and autobuy?
Is this worth 20K? Is it too much for a half copy/paste head job? I never done copy/pasting before for selling so idk how much that effect the pricing of the texture.
Lol its a nice C&p head the price can vary to some people the starting bid could be 5k then auto about 15k
then people that like robots(like me)
10k start
min raise:2k
auto 25k
i would never have guessed it was a CP. its very much like your drawing style
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-