Original Post
cheap texture shop
im selling textures for cheap pm me and i will send u the texture for Tc

13500tc this looks alot better in game
Last edited by technoligy; Aug 19, 2009 at 03:57 AM.
nr 14 is not ur made, its from google.
So I Herd U Liek Mudkipz?
If You Lol, Im gonna Lol harder, Im the master of LOL.Lol
Originally Posted by technoligy View Post

If the background is Toxic, then I'll buy it.
If not... Could you please recolor it? :p
srry ppl i need 2 get on the computer that has the heads because i go on 2 different computers
and what color would u reccomend and i wont charge u extra tonakai
Last edited by technoligy; Aug 18, 2009 at 05:31 PM.
Originally Posted by technoligy View Post
and what color would u reccomend and i wont charge u extra tonakai

I'd like the background to be Toxic.
I just asked that if the background is already Toxic, just so that it wouldn't look at least a lot different from Toxic.

EDIT: Now that I looked at your other heads, I'd like to buy the heads numbers 3 and 4, too.
I'd just like a few changes to them.
  1. In the head number 3, is the green part (not the wires) coloured as Titan? If not, I'd like it to be the same colour as Titan.
  2. In the head number 4, could you make the scars a bit smaller? Maybe so that it covers only the other eye.

I can pay a bit extra for those, but if you don't want to, then... Okay :p
Last edited by Tonakai; Aug 18, 2009 at 06:16 PM.
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
I'd like the background to be Toxic.
I just asked that if the background is already Toxic, just so that it wouldn't look at least a lot different from Toxic.

EDIT: Now that I looked at your other heads, I'd like to buy the heads numbers 3 and 4, too.
I'd just like a few changes to them.
  1. In the head number 3, is the green part (not the wires) coloured as Titan? If not, I'd like it to be the same colour as Titan.
  2. In the head number 4, could you make the scars a bit smaller? Maybe so that it covers only the other eye.

I can pay a bit extra for those, but if you don't want to, then... Okay

ill see what i can do number 3 is titan and num.4 thats as small as they can get with out me completly removing them