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(VS) Versace Recruitment

Madness, Destruction, and Corruption
Lead the innocent warriors,
Harch,Sumsoul,MrSolve, and Dipio
Into Madness...
As time continued the innocent warriors
Were no longer innocent....
They have killed thousands of innocent bystanders

Don't get devour'ed by Anything
Be awesome
Do your best
Have fun
Get money

Get 5 Members
Get 10 Members
Get 15+ Members
Get 10k in Bank
Get 15k in Bank
Get 25k in Bank
Get 50k in Bank
Get 100k in Bank
Become Offical


Haunted (Haunted)
Black Pentagran (Penta)
The Abyss (Ab)
Why Join VS:
Favorite Mods:
What can you provide to VS:
Last edited by Polo; Oct 11, 2015 at 07:28 AM.
Belt:2nd Dan
Why Join: I left AB when I realized how shitty it was and then shortly after Solve and Harch left AB so I decided why not get back in a clan with the people who made the clan bearable for a short time? Versace is like AB minus the shitty leadership and players and plus some pretty swag members such as Harch and MrSolve. That pretty much sums up why I wanna join Versace.
Favorite Mods:1)Boxshu/Mushu 2)ErthTk/Taekkyon 3)Parkour/Spar 4)ABD/Aikido
Personality: Fun, Engaging, Happy
Last edited by Gater1000; Aug 13, 2015 at 09:27 PM.
Originally Posted by Gater1000 View Post
Belt:2nd Dan
Why Join: I left AB when I realized how shitty it was and then shortly after Solve and Harch left AB so I decided why not get back in a clan with the people who made the clan bearable for a short time? Versace is like AB minus the shitty leadership and players and plus some pretty swag members such as Harch and MrSolve. That pretty much sums up why I wanna join Versace.
Favorite Mods:1)Boxshu/Mushu 2)ErthTk/Taekkyon 3)Parkour/Spar 4)ABD/Aikido
Personality:You guys pretty much know but I'm a badass with some sweg and I say stupid things that make Harch and MrSolve laugh so I guess that's good. Yeah...

Accepting this app could save you 15% or more on car insurance.

Your already in Sins..
Belt:2nd Dan Black Belt
Why Are You Joining?:Because I Was On The Lookout for Clans That Respect Each Other Clans That Actually Do Wars I was Looking For Clans I Can Depend On An Finally
Vs Gave Me A Opportunity I Also Think Vs Would Help My ToriBash Skill Which Is Why I Want To Join.
Why Should Vs Accept You?:Well Because Iv'e Got Skills That Would Help Vs In Wars And I Respect My Fellow Clan Mates.I Am Also Trust Worthy And Dependable Which Is Why You Should Recruit Me.
Favourite Mods:Mushu,Judo,Judo Frac,ABD,TwinSwords And Boxshu.
Personality: Confidant,Always Boasting Always Bragging Friendly But Above All I Never Shut Up xD
Thanks For Reading
Originally Posted by RollenZ View Post
Belt:2nd Dan Black Belt
Why Are You Joining?:Because I Was On The Lookout for Clans That Respect Each Other Clans That Actually Do Wars I was Looking For Clans I Can Depend On An Finally
Vs Gave Me A Opportunity I Also Think Vs Would Help My ToriBash Skill Which Is Why I Want To Join.
Why Should Vs Accept You?:Well Because Iv'e Got Skills That Would Help Vs In Wars And I Respect My Fellow Clan Mates.I Am Also Trust Worthy And Dependable Which Is Why You Should Recruit Me.
Favourite Mods:Mushu,Judo,Judo Frac,ABD,TwinSwords And Boxshu.
Personality: Confidant,Always Boasting Always Bragging Friendly But Above All I Never Shut Up xD
Thanks For Reading

Nice application and testing ingame went good.
Hey its ObeyVortex uhm I was in vs today ya know and I came on and I wasn't in I didn't do anything or argue with anyone so why was I kicked?
ObeyVortex, Please post in a different thread, this is the recruitment thread. If you have any problems, go to our clan discussion or, talk with Mr.Solve. Also it would be appreciated if you deleted your Comment.
Last edited by steel9866; Sep 2, 2015 at 06:07 AM.
Username:Hadesrealm Belt:blue Why Join: I met mrsolve and he told me how to join and I've never been in a clan. Favorite Mods:Boxshu-mushu, torisex, lightninglenshu-fixed, lightningjudo Personality:I like fun, talking and toribash in general, and I am usually a very happy person, but on a bad day I'll get pretty dark.
Originally Posted by Hadesrealm View Post
Username:Hadesrealm Belt:blue Why Join: I met mrsolve and he told me how to join and I've never been in a clan. Favorite Mods:Boxshu-mushu, torisex, lightninglenshu-fixed, lightningjudo Personality:I like fun, talking and toribash in general, and I am usually a very happy person, but on a bad day I'll get pretty dark.

sorry but no hades