Original Post
[tex] Head made by me and Reeker <=== Pictures of head is right here
If some1 can help with screenshots PM me
С&C please
Last edited by Strase; Jan 20, 2012 at 01:16 PM.
Dude, omg this is so perfect, 9999/10, the mouth is perfect the skin color is so, how can i say "tuned" with the head...
You can see screenshots ingame right here and buy if you want to =D
Rack city bitch Rack Rack city bitch
Ten Ten Ten twenty on ya titties bitch
Judging by the weird thing between the eyes that I assume is a nose it doesn't look right in on sphere.

If it is a nose then it should be seperated from the mouth
It's not nose.
It's like radioactive changed form of his mouth
Rack city bitch Rack Rack city bitch
Ten Ten Ten twenty on ya titties bitch
in my eyes it looks like the right part is more shaded than the left...

specially the "horns" they just look plain.

also one thing I noticed, the metal part has this really white highlight at the top, altho there is no such highlight on the actual skin. :/

you should fix that, rest is pretty much ok, besides the back, looks like it was done by lazy people xD
I'm Tasty and I know it.
I like Rocks.
Cool head and nice details but there's a seam in the back, it sort of maps awkwardly, looks like it could be lowered.
Big genital guy hmu ladies