Original Post
(Mutant) The Mutant
This is a clan im gonna make. made by sethrocks!!! looking for epic awesome devoted players. minimum is blue belt but may make a few exceptions depending on their rank and if i like them.wait one more thing. For the clan members don't post anything on thread unless upcoming event, important news, etc. Also, if you are good at making textures and stuff let me know. i need someone good to do that. Also, to further help the clan, donations are sent to sethrocks(me). i am hoping to make the clan official and need support. donations are optional but highly appreciated. story on clan is below.

It was a very cold night in the dead of winter. At a factory where they make steroids for fighters a man that goes by sethrocks was working there. one of his friends thought it would be funny to scare him. seth's friend pushed him and yelled. Seth fell forward into a pot of concentrated steroid fluid that was boiling. everyone heard a scream that was muffled. a few men fished him out of the pot. Seth was barely breathing. he was taken to the hospital for a recovery. he was fine but was extremely different. the steroids fused and altered his dna which turned him into a fighter better than any other. thats how the Mutant clan began.
Last edited by sethrocks; Mar 18, 2014 at 12:54 PM.

Take a look at other clan front pages for an idea of what to put here.
It looks like you're a new member... Perhaps you should become more acquainted with the community as especially the clan system before doing this.
Read all the stickies, especially this one, they provide nice guidance for what to expect from this.
If you need art for your front page, try asking various artists. There may be a few who will do some stuff for free ;p.
Hi my name User MARCOS1997 and as you see I'm in good muinto mainly judo tournament and tambén I like to duel my bets are 450 TC or more as you see I ESTO passing for the second phase of the black belt please stop the invitation I'll accept your invitation thanks ..