Original Post
(2edgy) edgy clan
tha edgyiest edgers to ever edge


Greetings! Welcome to the official communicational thread of our clan! Please read the subsequent passage for more information related to our society.

Please take care to read the following rules carefully before posting in our thread. Breaking any of these rules will result in being reported.

Now, I'd like to explain the values and intentions of our clan briefly before you continue reading.

The primary objective of our clan is to create a enjoyable and interesting environment for our members, a place to take sanctuary and relax whilst communicating with your fellow clanmates.

Rules & Regulations

Please take care to read the following rules carefully before posting in our thread. Breaking any of these rules will result in being reported.

1. Grammar. You must use immaculate spelling, punctuation and wording when posting in our thread.

2. Behaviour. You must be polite and well behaved if you decide to post in our thread.

3. Discussion. Please keep your posts relative to the current discussion, especially good luck posts, and ally requests.

4. Language. Please refrain from using unacceptable language whilst within our thread.


There's a secretive ritual that's been carried out every year for a number of decades, comprised only of the finest clan edgers that excel in every aspect of their edginess, a collaboration occurs in a location still unknown to the present day, where they share sacred knowledge and pass on unique traits to their fellow edge bros. After years of discussion, the group have decided to become public, going by the simply by the name of EDGEMIESTER, the leading clan edger with ten confirmed awkward moments! They've decided to teach their sacred dumb people skills to the newer generation of awkawrd nerds, employing a aggressive but smart style of idiocy, EDGEMIESTER is believed by many to be the most dangerous network of babies that have ever existed.


We're an invitational clan predominantly, but if you feel you must join our ranks please click on the red logo after this line of text to be redirected to the recruitment board! $






[ ] Acquire the "2edgy" tag.
[ ] Reach 50 members.
[ ] Attain 100k in donations.
[ ] Host events on a regular basis.
[ ] Become official within a year.
[ ] Purchase a private board.
[ ] Attain 1kk in donations!




If you're in the mood to donate to the clan, please send me your donations!
All donated toricredits will be used to fund clan events and purchase officiality and possibly a private board!

If you decide to donate, your name will be added to the alliances list! You'll also have your name listed alongside the corresponding amount of toricredits you've donated!

Last edited by Gynx; Feb 5, 2015 at 08:29 AM.
Hi Swaves, this is cute.

Unfortunately someone has your clan name and tag already (oh my, who could it be?). For this reason, I'm going to change your name and tag. If you want to change your name and/or tag in future then I'd quite happily do that for you. In fact, I'd rather that over you making multiple threads weekly.

If you continue making threads all of the time and taking them absolutely nowhere I will remove your access to this board. You have been warned.

Enjoy your new clan credentials.
collect snots from the nose
I was legitimately serious about creating a clan, put some effort into creating a thread only to have them shut down for having a $ as my clan name, sorry for bothering you.