Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[Tex] Metroid Prime 2 Set
I've been working on this metroid prime 2 light sut head off and on for a couple days now, and I finally worked out a rough copy. Apart from some mapping oddness and slightly off side panels, this is as far as I can go with it. The suit is rather plain on it's own from a detail standpoint, so I would like some CnC On how it looks now and some tips...


There's very little to add to the head from the original light suit, so I just need some tips on things I could fix (apart from the black neck hole, that won't stay), and maybe some tips on making it have a similar finish to the game model. in the game, the suit had a pearl-like sheen to it, and I have no clue how to do that with a texture. I would also like to give the visor piece more depth and maybe make it look more like it's glowing, but the glow isn't as important.
Last edited by Deridor; Jun 7, 2015 at 06:21 AM.

Update! I remade the ear panel things and used some IF magic (or at least the magic that got me into IF) to get the pearly look I was going for. ISn't captured perfectly here, but it looks way better now. not perfect yet, but I'm getting there!

I would have made another spinning globe but couldn't make a shadeless one in gimp, and the light glared too much off the bright texture.
It's pretty close already, the original has a bit of an off-white tinge to it, paler yellow than anything in tb so I think how it is now is a good compromise between the original and toribash colors. I'll see how it looks though, especially since I'm planning on making it a full-joint set. The shoulders are going to be fun, they're spheres to begin with XD

I'm hyped about the way I made the pearl shading, it'll give me a better technique for future texturing.


I actually like this a lot better, and it still fits tb pretty well, thanks for the idea. I think my next steps are just to reposition everything, it all feels a bit too high on the head to me.
Last edited by Deridor; Jun 5, 2015 at 03:01 PM.
i tought you were going for this version
never seen that version before :O
the chest area looks amazing to work, hope you can create it
it seems to go well with ivory pure and platinum
yeah I was looking at ivory, but it's more of a very light tan than yellow.

This is the light suit from metroid prime 2: echoes, the only metroid game I've played, but one of my favorite games ever. I chose it because it looked fairly simple and sounded amazing as a full joint set, and it looks awesome in the game.


Fixed the positioning and emphasized the visor area. not exactly how it's meant to look, but I'm no master here...
Originally Posted by Deridor View Post
I don't quite get what you mean

in the example that you've showned the "ear" things are rounder and are not horizontal they are have a little rotation