BSOD is the worst error screen you can ever have in my opinion.

You're going to need your Windows Installation disc(s) to restore your computer.

After restoring your computer, you're probably going to have to re-download some drivers that didn't come with the CD.

(Sorry I couldn't get into specifics, this happened to me 8 months ago, so I forgot most of how I fixed it.)
First off, you need to check if your computer is simply overheating. You may need to clean your fans or get a new one.

However, if overheating is not the problem:
Check if your hardrive or any other computer components are loose.

You may also have faulty ram. If you have more than one stick of ram, try to take one out and boot up. Do this for each stick. If your computer does not BSOD with a certain stick not in the computer, that stick was probably causing it.
Last edited by PieGod; Apr 1, 2012 at 12:55 AM.
This guy was once a GameMaster
My computer heats too much, thats probably the problem.

What should I do to prevent this blue screen death?
"Be obscure clearly."
Originally Posted by PieGod View Post
First off, you need to check if your computer is simply overheating. You may need to clean your fans or get a new one.

However, if overheating is not the problem:
Check if your hardrive or any other computer components are loose.

You may also have faulty ram. If you have more than one stick of ram, try to take one out and boot up. Do this for each stick. If your computer does not BSOD with a certain stick not in the computer, that stick was probably causing it.

Originally Posted by Swooya View Post
My computer heats too much, thats probably the problem.

What should I do to prevent this blue screen death?

Overheating never bluescreens, it just turns off instantly. I had the problem a lot, laptop's fans suck (pun intended).

BSoD is always because some driver is failing. What I advice you to do, is read this:

Then check what it gives. Updating drivers is always a good first solution. If that doesn't work, google your error message and see what it says.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Buy a minifridge and put your computer in it but make sure to cut a hole in the minifridge for venting and the cords BAM no more overheating but your computer might freeze so leave the door open
Delaid is the best mod ever :D
Overheating of certain computer parts can cause the BSoD, but you're right it usually just turns off.
This guy was once a GameMaster
BSoD's or Stop errors occur in the presence of an incorrect disk driver, a damaged file system, or a similar problem. The solution really depends on the stop error code your getting.. next time you get a BSoD write down or record the error code somewhere, it should look something like this:

STOP: 0x#### (0x####, 0x####, 0x####, 0x####) Error Name

Once you have this do a quick Google search of that error code to find what is causing the problem and a solution. Try and find the same solution on a few different computer websites to confirm it as a legitimate fix, as using the wrong solution can sometimes create more errors than you originally had. The link Meamme0 posted would be a good place to start looking.

Last edited by Sticky123; Apr 4, 2012 at 07:45 AM.
I'm still facing this problem, already did some research, but the solutions are way too hard to understand for a guy that barely knows about computers, yes, that's me.
I'll leave my error here in case somebody can help me.

STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC000005, 0x82A801A7, 0x95DE891C, 0x00000000)

Thank you for your time.
Last edited by Swooya; Apr 7, 2012 at 07:34 AM.
"Be obscure clearly."