Original Post
[WIP] Crouching Tiger
Okay this is my first mod, and I think its pretty fun personally?

Need some feedback.

Basically the point of the mod is to maneuver your way across the pillars to the center of the ring where you engage in combat. This reminded me of crouching tiger because they are always floating and doin crazy aerial stunts (which I found is really easy in this mo).

The default gravity is supposed to be -20, but I cant seem to code it right. =(

I attached a replay, and the mod itself. I really was thinkin of adding some sort of weapons? Like maybe a staff or somethin? >.< Not sure, lemme know guys!


Edit: Apparently the replay doesn't work... so I dunno what thats about... sorry? Anyone know why?
Attached Files
Crouching Tiger.rpl (38.6 KB, 15 views)
crouchingtiger.tbm (2.0 KB, 28 views)
crouchingtigerkatana.tbm (3.2 KB, 27 views)
Last edited by LadyDEATH; Feb 16, 2009 at 10:33 PM.
(Hive people only, haha!)
The correct syntax for the gravity is:
gravity 0 0 -20

Also, if you want to use multiple flags on an object, add the flags together.
So in your case, 8 (static) + 16 (ungrabbable) = flag 24.

If you want to add a staff, feel free to use my bent arm snippet... But I advise you to make the staves box-shaped, not cylinder-shaped. I suspect rotated cylinders of buggy behavior...
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
I had the flag at 24 originally, but then when they would land on the pillars they would get stuck to them. =( and I think a staff would give it more oomph. =P Thanks for the correction on the gravity too m8.

Hrm... Okay I added staffs, but I think it interfered too much with maneuvering to the middle... hrm.. =_= maybe I'll go twin swords instead?

Uploaded the twinsword version, put gravity back at -9.82, makes it much easier in gettin to the middle, and pwnin your opponent. I think the staff version might work with lower gravity. I'll see tomorrow lol. Maybe I'll make a full crouching tiger series with dif weapons.
Last edited by LadyDEATH; Feb 16, 2009 at 10:39 AM.
(Hive people only, haha!)
Nice Ladydeath,

its great to see youve chosen to become a modder. W00T

but it would be nice if you put some color in.... but im just nitpicking here anyway.
- its been a while
she's only got a few objects left...

youd be fightin with really simple swords anyway.

wait... never mind, you can have 2 swords with 3 objects each. (max is 14 right?)
- its been a while
I see 8 objects... Max is 16, so that gives you 8/2=4 objects per sword...
So, a pommel, a handle, a crossguard and a blade are entirely feasible.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack