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[TEX] Behold, "The Decimator", the latest HQ Set by evorocket
Behold "The Decimator".

Brand New High Quality Set by evorocket.

This is by far the most detailed set I have ever made. Two months of designing and painting went into this one. I had all the intentions of continuing in my style of using transparency, but this set took me somewhere else. For those of you who have worked on making sets, you will be able to appreciate the challenge of having lines match from body, through joint, and back to body. Making a joint texture is basically the same as making a head. The same stretching and squeezing mapping issues occur on joints as they do on heads, making it that much more difficult to map lines through them, and that much more rewarding when its done. My long absence is explained in how long it took me to make this.

This set is available in my art/textures thread:

Kind regards,


Last edited by evo; Mar 29, 2013 at 03:09 PM. Reason: Added a link
rock the world, one fight at a time
Asdfgh. That's beautiful. The mapping is just about perfect, I can't see any parts where it doesn't match up. The colors were nicely chosen, those scratch marks complete it.
Very detailed, keep making sets.
Damn you another extreme detailed and amazing set...
I can't see nothing different, your robot ( i think ) is the way good, look for his back, i loved this connection.
Just a quest, what progam you used?
Hey all,

Thank you for stopping by and leaving comments. Much appreciated.

Originally Posted by Sainzgc View Post
Damn you another extreme detailed and amazing set...
I can't see nothing different, your robot ( i think ) is the way good, look for his back, i loved this connection.
Just a quest, what progam you used?

Hey Sainzgc,

I use Photoshop CS5 Extended
rock the world, one fight at a time
VERY original concept. I like the chest joints the most, the front and back are amazing. The mapping is damn near perfect.

Sell this for $, not TC.
Mapping is fantastic.
how do you get the lines to meet up so smoothly on the torso joints? have you made some sort of proportions rig or do you just wing it and adjust them as you go along?

Hands could have been mapped better, seems like a waste of space when the joints are mapped so well.
Could have spent some more time on the head, its very boring, more effort in the design next time please.
and so much bevel, wow, the bevel just ruins it, ruins all your previous sets aswell.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
It's still a great job overall. I'm sure this will make a big price on market.
''After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...''
i personally like the bevel
gives an old school look to it, evo always reminds me of jepoy a little
shmevin eats smegma