Original Post
Animated Sig Shop
○ Want a Sig? (Sorry Ravenger, wanted to see if it would succeed )
• Provide me with a replay no longer than 200 frames
• No less then 5k per animated sig.
• Dimensions will be 264x100, unless asked other wise.

○ Time, Money and Quality: Willing to barter.
• 1k - 4k = Just a normal sig. (Not animated)
• 5k = Might not look the best and might take a while.
• 7k = Will look pretty good and take not to long.
• 10k = Looks really good, and takes not to long.

○ Discount Coupons (Can use more than one at a time):
• Each purchase you make that is 5k or more you get 1 Coupon
• 3 Coupons = Free non animated sig
• 5 Coupons = Free Animated sig or one Force/Relax join no more than 3k. Must have no qi limit.
• 8 Coupons = Free sig with free custom head texture.
• 20 Coupons = Free Sig of choice of animated or not with a complimentary custom Avatar animated or not, and head texture or a free Full texture set. Must have no qi limits.

• Coupons
○ Ricochet - 1
○ Samule - 1

○ Return Policy
•I don't have one. Unless you have a VERY good reason for return, I will not refund your money nor make tweaks for you.

○ Animated Sigs
• Sold for 7.5k

• Sold for 10.1k

• Sold for 20k

○ Normal Sigs.
• Mine

• Never Sold to Kai(If you read this kai, you may have it for free.)

• My old one.

○ Currently working on:
• Empty - Tc

○ Queue:
• 1. Empty - Tc
• 2. Empty - Tc
• 3. Empty - Tc
Last edited by xFACEx; May 30, 2008 at 11:16 PM. Reason: :O
Like, z0mg. This was so epic I was jealous until I found out a mobstah did this. The world isn't doomed (whew whew whew.)

Good job mobstah! Very original!

Oh yea, random +rep because I'm random.
Last edited by joonveen; May 19, 2008 at 07:15 AM.
Why not an option for looks really good and takes a while?

This shop, it looks awesome. I might buy one if I get a prime.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
Originally Posted by goodmonkey View Post
Why not an option for looks really good and takes a while?

Originally Posted by xFACEx View Post
5k = Might not look the best and might take a while.

Saying that it wont look ugly, It will probably look pretty nice because I'm not a complete A#$)#!@, but I will be doing it to my spare time and convenience, not yours.


Added a coupon system, and loyal customers will get rewarded :>
Waiting for my prime. When I get it I will message you
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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