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[IMG] Cell Taim! (56k warning)
why hello people and people'ettes!

twas bored and whatnot, decided to do one of teh courseworks for T3AL, this is what I came up with.

C&C extremely welcome.

1st render; was way too bright.

2nd render; better, but a bit boring/bland

Post Processing;

Former Item Forger
That green color is fucked up it glows too much get it more not glowing ...
that aura is good don't change it
and the 3rd version is the best in my opinion
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
I actually intended for the green to stick out more, since the objective in my mind was to make something other-worldly, without making it unrealistic, I decided to make some parts that normally wouldn't light up, light up. I could've toned it down a bit, but I think it adds to the over-all effect.

The 'aura' was more or less un-needed, but I think it added to the picture, so I left it.

Indeed I agree with you, I decided to post the other two versions simply because they too have their own good quality about them. in my mind, the first one is the most realistic shading-wise, but the 3rd one looks the best all together.

Was hoping to get more critique on this, so please, post with your thoughts! Believe it or not, I AM a vampire who feeds off of comments, and I'm frieking starving.
Former Item Forger