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[Resolved]TwinSword is broken?
I was so close to winning a tournament of 500TC! but then when he or she was supposed to get disqualified, the game let him/her not get disqualified and when i touched outside i was disqualified Is this mod broken?
破 局 が 新 し い
This might of been a glich in the game at time, it has happened to me in aikido has well but when I play again it works all right
I saw the exact same thing but not on a tourney, this guy that I can't remember his name claimed that he had hacked the game and on twin swords he would never dw even when his whole body touched outside of the square.
[Artist]Saif will be back soon... [TABD]
The thing you just stated is called a "Glitch" It's more prone to happen in twinswords for some reason but it also happens in other mods too. In aikido, If your tori does a random move instantly in the first frame, its a glitch. In twinswords when a part of player touches the ground outside the ring, nothing happens, its a glitch. Tho i have noticed that certain parts tend to glitch more than the other ones.
This glitch is quite common, its happened to me many times before. I believe its the amount of collisions in a single frame that makes it act all wanky. That or its a maxcontacts glitch. It happens in other mods as well.
This is called a glitch is mostly happens when there is too much dm's so the system can't handle all the stuff thats happening. Also, as Mystery said it happens when there is too much stuff happening at one in 1 frame causing a glitch.
Hello Katastrophe, Lag usually causes this glitch. There is no way to fix it.

Do not care about this problem. I know, you are new in toribash, so it's hard to get TC. Just because I feel bad for you, sent an item that '' refunds '' 500 TC.


Apathetic User