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[Art] New Flame
So I been playing in the forge for the last month or so.
And want some feed back in this flame. Platabear's purple handcuffs flames inspired this flame

New flame

Not sure if this is the right thread to post this in, but I did because its art
Last edited by The7thVoid; Jun 28, 2015 at 03:39 AM.
Originally Posted by audykhamis View Post
wow i haven't seen any flame like that thats cool but i think its not perfect shape needed a bit sharper curve

Okay cool I'll see what I can do.

Originally Posted by Turtle View Post
Bruh. That's true beauty! I like how it almost connects to "DA BOOTY"

Thanks you
I'm not really good in flame making, but I somehow a fan of flames.
Really nice one you created.
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