Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Art] My avatar
I want to ask your opinion on my current avatar. In case you are wiewing this in the future and my avatar is changed, I got the pic right here:

It's made to look like me ingame except for the head that is more like hunter than the basic black. Don't bother to critize in hope that I would improve the image, it's VERY unlikely that I woud do so. Otherwisely go ahead. By the way I can take avatar requests (they will cost.). All replies and stuff are appericated.
Last edited by clayspade; May 11, 2011 at 01:04 PM.
It's not too shabby.

But the way you shaded the joints make them look like they have the shape of a frisbee.
The tori head shouldn't be shaded near the mask, unless you bumpmapped your head.
Eyebrows are way too high.
Brush could be a little thinner and longer.
And I think marine/orc stripes would look better on the background.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
I like it.

Were you going for the cartoonish "way"?
The bg need to be something other than the lines, it would make it look better.

Thanks, I made the outer lines bigger on purpose,because the image was originally bigger but my laptop bugged and it didn't update the big image. I'll redo it soon, and I'll post it here. And I did it the cartoonic way rather than making it look realistic.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.