Original Post
Help With Player Position and stuff!
I downloaded a free run mod and every time i change it to classic, uke and tori are still in the same positions as the free run mod, and i dont know how to change it, i've messed around with engageplayerpos and engageplayerrot but thats just making it worse, could someone maybe tell me what the normal numbers are for those? please and thankyou
well, it all depends on the freerun your talking about.

Like phantom said, its 0,0,0,0,0,0

If I remember correctly, The first 3 0's is for tori, the last 3 are for uke.

the first zero makes it go forward and back, like the regular engage distance does.

The second zero makes its go sideways.

The third zero makes it go up and down, just like the height does.

And its all the same so

I'll color coat it for you

Back and forth,Side to side,Up and Down,Back and forth,Side to side,Up and Down