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naab wushu tutorial 0.9 (old repost)

Naab wushu tutorial 0.95
or a few words about comebacks and setups
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by snake
this is your personal wushu bible

with illustrations/pictures/whatever


Contrary to popular belief, Wushu isn't a 50 turn frames judo,where everything depends on an opener. Wushu is all about improvisation and comebacks.

What is improvisation? In short, it's simply randomly clicking on the start or at least semi-random (with attention not to dq). But this is not an opener, for sure.

Comebacks is when you are coming back to your opponent...

this is how does it looks like ingame

comebacks and setups 1.rpl
comebacks and setups 2.rpl
comebacks and setups 3.rpl
comebacks and setups 4.rpl

The only way of earning good skills in Wushu is by starting with random clicks. Why? Because after you mashed up all your joints, you have to start fighting somehow, and the only way is by set yourself up to attack your opponent. It also teaches you how to avoid dqs.

Now, why do we need set-ups? They might be used for attacks and comebacks, both important aspects of wushu.

Tripoding, and running away is lame stuff that you would want to avoid to earn real skills, and have a fair, enjoyable fight. Good form/sportsmanship means making comebacks whatever the score is, even if you're winning. It's good for your skills, and your reputation.

So to perform a comeback you need to set it up. There are lots of ways to comeback. Therefore,there are lots of variants for comebacks, but I want to show you this way of setting up and coming back:


It doesn't mean this one is better than any other one, I picked it just as an example, and it shares something in common with most comeback set-ups. Captain obvious says: If you extend knee and/or wrist, you will be to move forward, or whatever the side is.

Anyway, most likely you will end up like this:

And as any comeback set-ups, it doesn't mean you can move only to one side. You can use it to move to any direction of your desire. Like this:

As you can see,there are lots of variants. Double arrows show you the direction your tori will move, if you use the joints marked with arrows color.

You also can attack right from this set up, getting something like this:

Back to comebacks, that's how comebacks using wrists goes:

It doesn't mean that this is the best way to comeback with wrists. You will have to adjust the comeback according to the situation, captain obvious again.

Using wrists and or elbow/elbows will most probably give you something like this:

VERY IMPORTANT: when you comeback, try to fly low, close to ground. few small low comebacks are better then one high and far.

Some tips: Stop moving, then comeback. It will make things easier. also don't play for the win, play for fun. comebacks is what you need to try on your own because you allways had to ajust em. you just need to random click on 1st turn and try to set up. anyway if you wanna become better in wushu thats all up to you. thats only tips. if you will keep trying, you will improve, otherwise not. comebacks and setups require practice all the time, thats not like move which you can learn and it will allways work. try to set up as close to ground as it possible.

One of the most important thing in wushu is the prediction: except in the first round, where is ok to go randomly, then you should ever have clear image what you want to do in the next 100-150 frames, and then move for do it. This of course isn't an easy thing (you need many time for learn how to move as you want, and even after long time you can still wrong), but it's really important to train with this from start imo (sooner start with the train, sooner gain the final results). Prediction is even more foundamental for understanding your enemy movements: every wushuer HAVE to watch what the enemy his doing at the start of every round of close combat (if you are far from your enemy, so is useless to lose time watching what he's doing.. in this case you have to think ONLY to comeback). In this way you can decide wich option is the best between: 1 - defend maybe using contracted elbows and knees for damage the opponent more than how he will do with you; 2 - try to attack for first; 3 - dodge; 4 - try to absorb the hit but only if the enemy's hit is already incoming and there isn't any hope to do 1,2 or 3 to do this you have to use hold and lax in the right points,and possibly using the rotation that will make you move in the same direction of the hit [B]. The 4 could seem a crazy move, because not only you will take points without do any, but it will also let you lose much time, from the moment the enemy's hit will push you away. But when you will master the comebacks (and this is the first thing to do if you want to play wushu), you will understand that even +30k of damage aren't impossible to regain (it need 1 head shot, or 1 good body hit + another average hit etc) in a match of 750 frames (that's why wushu need minimum 750, and every mod with lesser is just a shit) I suggest a "relax all" training for who start to play this mod: learn how work relaxed joints, is maybe the first thing that every wushuer should know (togheter with comebacks). For train with relax you have just to press "c" 2 times often during the match, and then trying to move few joints to see what happen

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Wushu variations for training: Wushu with Dojo: Settings:Brushu with Dojo size 700,and type 1. Objective:Controlling your movement and restricting it inside the dojo.This will increase your accuracy in comebacks,and in combat.It will also increase the contact between you and you opponnent,enabling for more combat.Another good thing this variation will help in is dodges.To move away from your opponent's attack,you have to dodge in a manner to avoid getting out of the dojo. Wushu with a larger distance: Settings:Brushu with higher distance 2000/2500,and there can be an dojo,but that's optional. Objective:Mainly,it is to train your comebacks,but it also teaches you how to position yourself when you get close to your opponent.Remember that staying closer to the ground will give you more control over your comebacks,and hence more speed.Increasing the height of your comeback might give you more levarge,but if your opponent has more control and sticks to the ground,he can set up a nasty kick.The rare benifit of increasing the height of your comeback,is when your opponent actually comes back to you from downwards;you'd have an advantage in that position.

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Last edited by snake; Dec 16, 2017 at 06:19 PM.
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~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15