Original Post
Computer Restart
Every time i try to start the game my computer restarts.I have the latest drivers and it doesn't say anything in the logs.OS is Windows XP and i'm running on a GeForce4 MX 440.Crappy,i know,but i think it should run this game
Re: Computer Restart
Have you defragged lately? Or run a virus/spyware check? Checked comp heats?

Does it restart ''just like that'' or does it go to blue screen? If 'restarts just like that', check the temps.
What what? In the butt.
Re: Computer Restart
I have not defragged lately,but i run a virus scan every day around 2 AM.It restarts "just like that".Guess ill check the temps...hoping that means temporary files.

-=Edit=- I found a temp folder and theres a bunch of .tmp files.Should i delete them?
Re: Computer Restart
Temps is my word temperatures, which i mentioned in the phrase just above the second phrase as "comp heats" :P
Surry for night groggyness.

Since it does just like that, let's put up a quiz, answer these questions (sorry, no prize winning here)

1. How old is your Power Supply unit, what brand is it, and what's the power?

2. What is the idle and stress heat of your CPU and 3Dcard?(if the 3Dcard can be measured, idle = just windows, stress = game or other power needing process running)

3. Tinkered with the comp insides as of late? (added RAM et.c.)

4. In relation to last question, ever cleaned the insides of your computer (if it's older than 1 year)

Okay, to the possibly unrelated but still possible cause;

5. Which windows XP? XP, SP1 or SP2?

6. What's your network card?

7. What's your antivirus?

Last measure:

8. Run a memtest <-clicky, follow instructions...

I'll be checking this thread in approx 5 hours, need some sleep here.

And temporary files are 99.999999999% (approximate, error margin +/- 0.000001%) safe to delete unless windows says they're in use or can't be deleted.
What what? In the butt.
Re: Computer Restart
1. Fairly old,but can run most games that i find.Exceptions include Oblivion and HL2
Processor is AMD Athlon with 1.1 GHz
2.Not sure how to check heat but it's never been a problem.

3.Only cleaned it out.

4.Yes,but not lately.

5.XP Professional.unsure about service pack.I can imagine i have the latest though.

6.No clue what a network card is

7.AVG and Norton.Got two for insurance.

Re: Computer Restart
2 simultaneous antiviruses are a massive resource sucker, especially at 1.1ghz of cpu.

Can't say for sure, but i'm suspecting either overheat or too little power from PSU.
I don't know any progs to measure heat, but i know there's a few. I have an integrated heat control on the case myself x.x;
What what? In the butt.
Re: Computer Restart
That used to happen to me, it stoped after i cleard out my quarantine file in Norton, there was like.. 13gb worth of stuff in there.. >.>


Re: Computer Restart
I just use Avast.

If I could find the sound file it uses, I'd totally make it go "Aargh!! Thar be a virus to starboard!!!" or something.

But... it works for me