Original Post
Openers and Showoff moves
Im having trouble with openers and when i wanna like do "fancy" moves i don't know what to do.
So if you could, can yall possably post some opener moves and how to do them and some showoff moves and maybe some cool decap moves. please and thank you
the replays dont show me how to do it im not good like that i meant like post the instructins to do some showoff, decap, and so called fancy moves.....
if anyone could do that that would be nice
Last edited by DJPenguinz; May 21, 2013 at 11:04 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Posting instructions to let someone copy your replay is something most people won't do.

What you CAN do is study how people create their moves and how they gain momentum and speed and use that knowledge to create your own replays.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Try messing around in single player? You'll make an opener quicker than you can imagine. And it feels much better using one you made yourself.
If your playing multiplayer, you dont need to be fancy. You need to be effective. So far, the best move in aikido is relax all, contract pecs, contract wrists, and grab.
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Governments should be afraid of their people."
Originally Posted by PVPPRO View Post
If your playing multiplayer, you dont need to be fancy. You need to be effective. So far, the best move in aikido is relax all, contract pecs, contract wrists, and grab.

Lol noobclap mod on.
Just try to improvise, that's all. Try to play lenshu or some other no grab mods.
Originally Posted by DatSkip View Post
Posting instructions to let someone copy your replay is something most people won't do.

What you CAN do is study how people create their moves and how they gain momentum and speed and use that knowledge to create your own replays.

That is illegal anyway right? at least step by step things are illegal
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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