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Can you make a flame with and adamantium color without an fpt
I've searched Google for an adamantium flame but I didn't find anything. I was wondering if it was possible to forge one in a adamantium color since I've never seen one
If you have the TC you can make your own flame, and color it what you please, just go to the Color List and change the sliders in the "RGB" tab in Flame Forge
it probably won't be extremely accurate to the color, but it's possible..
you can practically make any color flame
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
I am pretty sure you can do it if u use the right rgb
That looks more like Viridian. Yeah it's possible. I recommend putting some random so it's different colors of blue and violet.
(Leash)ApatheticP: plz dont use me
(Leash)KaZyDog: I only use attractive ppl dont worry about it
it's in the flame forge

also i just used the rbg code for adamantium in the flame forge; it appears darker because the particles overlap
Your pal,