Original Post
Huge pile of zeroes and ones
I made a replay

still a bit rusty

edit: made another quick one
Attached Files
Viceroy.rpl (101.5 KB, 68 views)
Juice.rpl (101.4 KB, 62 views)
Last edited by Juhizz; Jan 22, 2014 at 03:30 AM.
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
Viceroy - The way you started out and twirled a bit seemed cool, but the kick looked a bit dull and the punch seemed a little wierd, imo.

Juice - Nice start, nice punch, nice decap.

That's all i got.
keep up the good work
Juice is pretty rad, that decap hnnnnng. I don't really know what's bad about it, maybe it ended to quickly?
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Thanks for comments everyone

heres a new one
Attached Files
Hard to explain.rpl (181.7 KB, 46 views)
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
I'd have to say the only bad thing about it is how you went a bit too abruptly into your pose. Other than that the kicks were fast and destructive which flowed together nicely.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
I'd have to say the only bad thing about it is how you went a bit too abruptly into your pose.

I don't understand how thats bad in any way. imo poses matter next to none in any replay. but thats just me I guess.

anyway yeah opener was kinda generic but I don't really blame you for that everything else flowed really well etc this is nitpicky on my part and you can just ignore this but I always prefer to grab atleast like one frame away from touching what I'm trying to grab
wow that
poses matter more than nothing in all replays
"hey now that i'm done punching uke i'll just be really lazy in the ending"

however the pose was nice in this case

your neck in the beginning is like flipflop and nothing very fancy happens in the opener
the two hits flowed very well and i liked em, and the way you got into the pose quickly
you could work on your arm movement abit, it's quite boring as of now.
epecially in the opener where you keep them held in the middle for quite a while

nice replay
neck floppy looked cool. Looked like you were being a g, geez zetorb.
Opener was nothing fancy, yeah.
splitcap was awesome, I love single hit splitcaps.
Transition to the kick was awesome, really spinny. Only thing I didn't like was how you right leg sort of started extended, then stopped, and contracted, and then the ankle went all floppy for a bit. Looked weird, I'd fix that. Dms were awesome though.
pose was cool, a relief from all the standing ones people spam today.

cool replay
absolutely awesome. flow is kept all the way through, even if it's a short replay, and I don't mind the pose at all. in fact, I prefer poses when they're abrupt.
oh yeah