Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Most disappointing and favorite bosses
So, my favorite aspect of video games are the boss battles. So much so that a complete shit game will be good in my eyes as long as it has a few good bosses. PROBABLY the reason why I love darksouls...

Anyway. I'm curious, what where your favorite bosses in the games youve played?

What where the most disappointing?

My favorite boss of all time hands down is Knight Artorias from the darksouls dlc. He was a great curve ball from the everyday "big and slow" bosses.

This guy

As for most disappointing, I'd have to go with the final boss from metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty. The game was amazing, great build up and story. Then you end up on a roof with a sword and you are fight Solidus. And. It. Sucks. Just over all slow and easy. There are some plot twist and shit that they throw at you, but I dont remember it all.




Vaas was an amazing boss, favourite character in a game to date, the fight wasn't amazing, but him being vaas made up for it.

not so favourite

Miraak from the Dragonborn DLC in skyrim was eh
the boss fight was boring and his character is boring
'rwaaarr im controllin some dudes forever unless u hit them then they attack u because ya and ur not the real dragonborn i am'
pretty much the main story of the dlc summed up :u.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
As for most disappointing, I'd have to go with the final boss from metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty. The game was amazing, great build up and story. Then you end up on a roof with a sword and you are fight Solidus. And. It. Sucks. Just over all slow and easy. There are some plot twist and shit that they throw at you, but I dont remember it all.


I'd have to agree on that one. The only minor advantage this guy had was the dr octopus arms on his back that he could use to choke you once in a while. Otherwise, a seriously anticlimactic final battle...

Can't think of a favorite boss battle... I'd have to say either glados or wheatley from portal 1 and 2 respectively. Not amazing or tough battles by any sense, but the balance of leadup, story and difficulty really tied the games up well. even with valve's ambiguity in their ending scenes.
Orstein and smough from Darksouls I was my favorite boss to fight! They are so hard, but insanely fun

Gwyn, lord of cinder, from Darksouls I, was my least favorite boss because he was too easy.
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Most favourite: The atomic business man from Metal Gear Rising, the badassery of him, and the music that played made it all for one amazing battle.


Least favourite: The Vault Monster from Borderlands 2, the reason being that there was a spot near the exit of the battle that made you immune to almost all its moves, and never was patched.


favourite: rats from morrowind
least favourite: all of them from deus ex human revolution, and that guy from fallout 3 lol
oh yeah



favourite: artorias

most disappointing: any boss from dark souls 2
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