Original Post
What type of shading
This type of shading is famous in anime for example

Naruto clothing and hair

Their clothing

Is their a name for that type of shading? It looks pretty simple just pen tool with bucket fill.
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I believe it's just a vector. Don't think vectors have specific types of shading.

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Vectors are drawn by people, normaly now-ad-days on a computer, however if you mean like this: thats cell shading.
*Insert Wind waker picture*
That would be Cell-Shading. We used to have that in Toribash too. (Linux version still has it [3.5])

About that OPs Naruto thing, Just normal Manga/Anime shading.

And why this is in Beginner Sanctuary? Isn't this ART related?
Last edited by Dargon; Jun 9, 2010 at 02:39 AM.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.