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um yesh BLOOD HELP!
OK NOW i saw in the thread on a forum homepage thingy named "Toribash 3.9!" were it says get it and some sh!# but what i dont know is how do i get the slurpy blood to use? i know it involves checking the shader thing in options but.... that just makes uke and tori transparent and i cant see them! please help me!!!!

(notice im a newby and have nothing.)
Originally Posted by Infern0o View Post
or you have to buy the blood colors in the torishop or market

No you don't. NOrmal red blood is already there.

Turning blood on is /opt blood 1 as said earlier.

If you want the fluid blood that sticks then you have to check that box as well as shaders, but you must have a compatible GPU in order to activate shaders.
Custombelt | I'm back after 5 years! ;)


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I do believe he means fluid blood.

If you can't activate shaders, then it doesn't work.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

oh thanks itachi thats what i ment

i can activate shaders just makes it so i cant see tori and uke!

ok i activated shaders as again in my other post i cant see tori and uke there transparent but in replays i can see the blood ITS SO DAM EPIC!!!! IT HAS THE STREAKS ON THE GROUND AND EVERYTHING HOLY CRAP HOW CAN I GET A "GUI" that may support these feutures?

Don't triple post. There is an edit button in the buttom left of your post. Thanks. ~Aspire
Last edited by Aspire; Jun 8, 2010 at 05:19 AM. Reason: Don't triple post.
Originally Posted by ichigosubstitute View Post
ok i activated shaders as again in my other post i cant see tori and uke there transparent but in replays i can see the blood ITS SO DAM EPIC!!!! IT HAS THE STREAKS ON THE GROUND AND EVERYTHING HOLY CRAP HOW CAN I GET A "GUI" that may support these feutures?

.:)Devouring limbs(:.
If you want a list of GPU's that support shaders get a model 2.0 or up graphics card from this list:

Personally I recommend ATI: Radeon HD 4650 or up / NVIDIA: Geforce 240 or up.