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Captain America
So I'm not much of a fan for the whole Captain America thing but this movie looks...decent and hes the starter/first Avenger if you catch what I mean.

Basically CA was developed in a lab around a time of war. He was created to be an amazing asset in war. With strength and an impenetrable shield he was nearly bulletbroof.
Captain Amerca will be portayed by Chris Evans who ironically also played the human torch in the Fantastic Four which will be confusing because if the Avengers movie comes around in the distant future he will have to choose most likely (if he even has a choice) but most likely he would play the leader over a follower.

Finally the trailer^^ enjoy..
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
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I thought the red guy was Hellboy for a second :P(the one taking the mask or hat off near the end). Not really looking forward to it, but hope it's worth watching if I do decide to watch it
Nope thats another "failed experiment" from some sort of mirroring nation or possibly from the USA to try and make a better Captain America but really Captain is the only one who responded successfully. But thats deff not Hellboy lol
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
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