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[Text] New set
My latest set
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Let me know what you think? c:
Pm if you want to buy it.

New set

maybe do another head...a head...different?one head to look much beter..
in rest is good..nice job yo' ar good at that type of set's..but try to work on head's more.
up for request
I don't exactly see the problem with the head.
It was suppose to be pretty simple over all.
the distance of the eyes to big..and...make it look beter is an nice rest i said..all is good..
up for request
I disagree. You can tell that his hair is just short. I really like this set. The only problem is the ears. They look a little low to me. Nice job though, you are pretty good at making cartoon sets.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
I think its a really great set, especially since I have a fetish for cartoon heads and sets.
But I have to agree, the hair is a tad too short.

Its not suppose to look long
Its suppose to look really short. Like its cut all the way down.
I see what your saying though xD
man.. i keep staring at the head trying to figure out whats turning me off about it... its hard to tell without a flat to look at because of the pose.. but i would try pull the hair line down raise the ears, lower the face and pull the mouth down away from the face a little bit. or maybe just lower the mouth, right now its in the middle of the sphere level with his ears. which gives him a huge neck

-- go to a mirror and try to make your mouth level with your ears in real life. :P
I made the mouth close to the face on purpose...
Im not...sure...Why I liked it like that but I did indeed do that on purpose xD
Thanks for feedback Bro c: