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Help on parkouring!!! ;)
whenever i climb and get to the top i'm unavailable to run again cuz im juz on the floor lying... how do i freaking get up i just crawl the heck up until i reached the zipline part ;-; lol
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUV0Jl0T6mQ (i know its very bad LOL)
(im just a beginner)
Let me give you a tip, but this may sound irrelevant as I'm a beginner to parkour as well. I would suggest you to do some parkour that involve no zip lines, as it would bring a much better practice in jumping towards a block. I would suggest "Parkour city C" and "Parkour city D" I forgot what the mod is called but it should be below the mod that you were playing in in your video. Btw you made me laugh my arse off while crawling helplessly on the ground. On that case, try learning to jump off your knee or elbows to at least stand up. From standing up and getting a footing, you can turn your body into a position of running, where you lean forward with both feet on the ground and contract and extend or relax hips and knees to start running. That would take practice, and obviously like everyone says and actually works... practice makes perfect.
if you are going for grab climbing you wont have a hard time to learn
all you should do is raising both of your arms, contract the wrist of the hand that is going to grab the wall and then extending your wrist and contract your elbow.
just make shure your chest is holded to not mess up.rest of your body matter for the look only.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
I am going to take a different approach on this. I used to parkour a decent amount, and I just starting getting back into. I found that the best way for me to learn how to stand back up was to practice my rolling. It taught me how to fall and recover myself sufficiently. Maybe you could try that approach as it will teach you the mechanics of momentum a bit more. And as Carn said, practice on easier maps as it really helps.
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