Original Post
[S]Perfect Dark Set (Superb Cartoon) 40k
Artist: Toxik made this set for a request by Nigma
Size: full 512s
Recolor: no
Previous owner: Nigma
variations: right bicep with armband included as well as head without headphones.
price: 40k solid, no haggle.

So basically I've bought this set like 9 months ago and now it's ready to be
born again. Ok, sorry. I mean I found it in some old files and I couldn't sell it last
time cause I didn't have flats and never sold it.

Since I just wanna get rid of old art, I'll let it go for supa-cheap 40k.

No haggle. TC-only.
You know what? I like this shit. Sending now.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
You know what? I like this shit. Sending now.

flats sent, ty for TC. Ownership goes to hawkesnightmare