Original Post
Toribash most realistic freerun(Teaser)
Jointlimit blocked me, but hell i will go into enekisha and remake this SOB.

Better jaker?
Attached Files
Swex- Realistic.rpl (521.1 KB, 181 views)
ultimate_freerunning.tbm (1.7 KB, 101 views)
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff
Oh my...........
Did you create this with Kinect or something?
Because this was.... God...

Where did your thread go? Maybe you could make an new one?

I Hate My Life - Hours
Whooo hoo it's a duck run!
Sorry but this ain't as good as Jakers ;/
I liked the jump and the climbing though
[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]
Better jaker?
As in, is this better than my last freerun jaker.

Large: it is a teaser, and the jointlimit maxed out, please read before you post.
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff
Holy... Shit..... Calm down, sir.

That was amazing, I loved how you took that shortcut so you don't have to climb up that wall. That was a very realistic jump toward the wall, as well. Great so far, dude. I wish that you could teach n00bs like me to do parkour realistically. It's not really possible to do that though, is it.. 12/10

So if this is a teaser, does that mean that you are going to finish it soon? I would love to see you finish this replay. If it was that amazing at first, imagine what it would be like finished!
[SPARTA] Member | RSO | No Clan Currently | | Wanna spar? PM me. | I'm a poor Tori (120 TC's)Help me out!
i REALLY like the shortcut , And the climb up .. but the run is ugly...
-you creat a new run style (good) but the steps are much so slow ,the first steps should be slow ,and goes with every step faster .. the jump looks great , the shortcut is amazing the climb ,too
but your movement after the climb is MUCH to slow and the run after that is again bad..
it hurts to say that becouse the climb looks to fantastic , but you should do it again
Well, that was a short joint limit.

Anyway and talking about the replay: pretty realistic, nice jump and the shortcut you took was perfect. The only thing that is bugging me is that run... realistic yes but slow as hell. Speed things up.
The rest is very good.

Just a suggestion: instead of going to the "classic parkour mods" try to do a new parkour mod. Explore the unexplored. :)
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
the run sucked pretty bad you looked to far bent down
and you know people dont run looking like they want to get ass raped
the jump looked alittle slow but good, i like the short cut aswell
the climbing there was no one better
the next run looked like you wanted to get ass raped again
if you could just make the run more better i would agree with the title of this thread
Swexxelite:your good at destroying uke
Huggys: thank you
Wow thanks for all the critiscism it really helps me to understand what to improve on.
I tweaked the climbing and running on top of the secondbulding, i also added a jump to the next section.

Tell me what you think and critize the shit out of me!
Attached Files
Swex- Realistic 2.rpl (522.9 KB, 51 views)
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff