Original Post
Dmau's Decap thread!
Post all of your eye-catching, breathtaking, bedazzling decapitations here!

aaaand the decapithon starts.

This decap is decent but ya know. Uric's fault.
Attached Files
Class D- Deadmau.rpl (90.8 KB, 21 views)
Ego and his whip cream nipples:
Overused Wushu opener...
A little before the kick
you go horribly stiff
your arms look exceedingly stiff
after you land you just flop around.
wow that
I used the Wushu kicker simply because everone uses this, I made this in 5 mins just so I could start the thread. This wasn't meant to be the best decap ever made ever, it was supposed to be a lame decap just to start the thread.
I wasn't trying at all, but thanks for the criticism anyways
Ego and his whip cream nipples:
Sure thing. I don't think starting a thread with a bad or unedited replay is a good thing.
Most will just look down on you for it.
Hoping to see better stuff.
wow that
Here is My Back Kick Replay.. Not edited Done on First Try and made on Basic Classic Mode
Attached Files
Invard Spin Kick.rpl (57.8 KB, 7 views)
Underestimating is the main problem in Toribash