Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Computer randomly freezing
Hey, so I've faced this problem, and I am not completely sure what is causing it. When I use my PC for long periods of time (+12 hours non stop) my PC sometimes simply freeze and I have to restart it in order to fix it. For example I will be playing a game, like CS:GO, and it will randomly freeze on one frame. If I'm listening to any sort of music at the time it freezes as well which leads me to believe that the system simply refuses to work if I do not restart it after the freeze.
First I thought that it has to do with CPU overheating as PC case's window seems to be quite warm around the area of the cpu when ever crash happens, but the temperature displayed in various apps seems to be normal.

Things I've tried doing:
  • Making my cpu cooler fan operate faster through BIOS
  • Switching RAM sticks to different slots

I don't think it's relevant, but here are some parts of my PC in case its important:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
CPU fan: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
GPU: GTX 970 Gaming 4G

By the way my case fans are working around 2 times slower than my CPU fan if that might be causing the problem.
Anyways post any suggestions or guesses, everything is appreciated, thanks in advance.
Last edited by Smaguris; Jul 10, 2016 at 09:22 AM.
disable your virtual RAM, otherwise it sounds like something with your HDD.
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
I did disabled my virtual ram earlier so it is probably not that.
Alright thanks. However im not sure about that either. See, my HDD is completely empty, and everything including the OS is on ssd
Have you tried turning it on and off ?

Now seriously, I've experienced a similiar problem a couple of times in the past. First time was because the fan on the graphics card was broken, causing it to overheat, and the second time was because the power supply was busted. I guess it's worth swapping out your power supply with a spare one just to check that scenario off the list.
You should check event logs for any errors, freezes can be caused by a shit ton of stuff, so any errors can help narrow it down.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Sadly I dont think I have powerful enough power supply to swap it out at the moment.
About event logs, I do find logs "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly." that seemingly reports the crash, but there are no other logs that i could find related to that
It might be that one or more of the RAM sticks themselves got fritzed. I've had problems with defect RAM before, and the main symptom of this was random freezing and bluescreening. Removing the offending stick(s) got rid of the problem entirely, so if you can, it's worth investigating. That said, the freezing would usually happen well before the 12 hour mark (which is a LONG time of non-stop usage), but i guess it's always worth testing out all possibilities??

Also, i can't remember exactly how they look inside, but if you're on Windows, try looking for MEMORY.DMP inside the Windows folder, it MIGHT provide clues (... honestly i'm not sure, but hey!).
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Well I haven't had a bluescreen yet, but thanks I'll give it ago. However its very hard to notice when something helps or not. For example I haven't had any problems for 3 days now and I got no clue on when will it happen again since it seem to have no pattern or indications. And besides all that I got 4 ram sticks at the moment so finding out which ones are fritzed, if any, would take a looooooong time.

I did review the memory dump as you suggested, and honestly it doesn't tell me much in terms of my technical knowledge.

Anyway thanks for suggestions!