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(Include answers to the following questions in a paragraph or some other format.)


Age? I prefer that you are above the age of 16.



Join date?

Favorite Quote?

Why you want to join?

Special Skills?

Anything you think we need to know?
Last edited by GHOST; Apr 10, 2014 at 03:05 AM.
I will devastate your pooder.
My name is Shayde (or Shad, or Shadayde, or some derivative. Just not Shay). I live in the almighty 'MURICA, specifically the home of the state with sports teams named after beer makers and meat packers. I am 14 (15 and 1 month if you count my time in the womb) but our age doesn't define us, now does it? I take advanced courses in classes, if maturity is considered an issue. In my free time, I play ToriBash, Soccer, Chess, and also Video Games in general (PS3 is superior). I also enjoy Reading, Debating, and Sleeping. In ToriBash, I am a belt the color of Blue (2nd dan on primary, but it's banned 3 months for 'pron'). I joined TB with my first account on October 26 2012. I also find quotes to be inspirational (and often badass) and nothing is more of a symbol of badassitude than this quote.
"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubble gum."
-Duke Nuke 'Em

I want to join (187) because I mean, Raaage is cool. Ghost is cool (so far). I also already feel as if this clan will be at the very least active, if not worked on and expanded. I have patience, but have joined SO MANY clans that flat out died because of an unstable foundation. It seems that you two are experienced (even if you do buy qi [raaage]) and have things under control. This owning a clan thing is not for me. However, there are a few things I'm good at (or at least understand the fundamentals of). I play the market like it's a guitar. But I suck at guitar. I also excel at correcting grammar and talking. I talk a lot.

AaAaaaaAAaaAaAaanywho, this is BowlerHats applying for a chance to be on the road of "weed blazin' glory".
Last edited by Note; Apr 9, 2014 at 07:46 AM. Reason: Damn free-form rule.
goodbye cruel world