Original Post
Zotwi's texture shop!
Welcome to my texture shop! I AM ONLY DOING FLOOR TEXTURES RIGHT NOW. hey guys! wanna awsome floor texture? only 500! and i have a set btw that is selling i did not make but i give credit to whoever made it oh btw HEY HANZ0 YOU GET THAT CREDITS PART? lol 500tc for an epic floor texture pm me if you would like to buy you must describe wat you want like... ex: a rocky background black and white and my tori doing a pose and my name on it! i can also do transparent things example of my past work:
"God praise your soul. <3"
~~[Pain] is inevitable, whether you choose to suffer or preserve sooner or later, [Pain] will find you.~~
Sincerely, those are not awesome


Try learning more about gimp, veiw other peoples art and try to copy it without looking and try to get the same shade and all..
Practice, Practice and Practice.. ( Never steal textures )
That will help you alot.
And by the way, if you dont want to do it. Thats fine with me
Good Luck with your shop

Have fun
Last edited by BioEx; May 15, 2010 at 11:13 PM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
i dotn expect my work to be "Awsome" im just sellin OK textures to OK people not some critic that can rate my work... i had less then 30 min to finish these ones ill be posting one i tried on soon O btw i made gbleeks avatar
Last edited by zotwi; May 16, 2010 at 12:09 AM.
"God praise your soul. <3"
~~[Pain] is inevitable, whether you choose to suffer or preserve sooner or later, [Pain] will find you.~~
Cmon people plz im trying to do my best here -.-
"God praise your soul. <3"
~~[Pain] is inevitable, whether you choose to suffer or preserve sooner or later, [Pain] will find you.~~