Original Post
Selling set by Fardar
Here is a set by me Fardar I am selling the set on the legs the red one the other set is mine!

Starting Bid: 5k
Min Bid:500
Autobuy: 15k

Thanks Fardar
Best clan ever VOID
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UMM dude its red and black its kinda like a death looking set mathces void force vampire/supernova lax
Best clan ever VOID
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He said that you can't see much of the set.

THe legs dont match to the set ;p
"Yes it's true I'm the chosen one, only I can't own tori premie"
Yes you can make free tc
Yeh i know the rest of the set i am not selling the whole set is the legs it goes everywhere i am only selling the red the purple is mnie and its NFS are you buying?
Best clan ever VOID
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