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[Solved] Where's my prize ( 500tc) ???
Hi , im Krakena09 and i just won a tournament ... i was so happy until i saw that it dint give me 500 TC i was wondering why and i came here so somebody could give me 500 TC or something like that ... PLS HELP
There wasn't enough games played to give out the prize, if I'm correct, there needs to be 3-4 games played for the prize to be payed out.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
well there needs to be five players so

player a vs player b

player c vs player d

player e vs winner of a vs b

winner of each play for the win

4 game minimum otherwise the prize isnt payed out

this was implemented to stop easy farming that could occur if only two people were in the server
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