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Kiza's Practice Session
Oioi, I'm working on a lot of things. From ukebash to style, y'know. I won't expect any CnC but it is appreciated. Please don't post your own replays in here/post uselessly. This thread is really just to help me keep track of improvements/failures. Alrighty, time to post.

Edit -
P.S. This replay was solely based on spacing with 10 frames. I forgot about that restriction and shift+spaced now and then, but it was pretty minimal (making the pose, etc)
Attached Files
Kiza_#Flow_Practice 1.rpl (391.3 KB, 62 views)
Last edited by Kiza; Aug 18, 2013 at 11:23 PM.
You stole d3m0nz avvy.



But really, this is good. At times you seem too low to the ground, and at about flame 1134 you kinda cock blocked the flow. You also at one point made your arm go through your leg, but with 10 frames per space this is pretty damn good.

Cnc me?

Lane: Please don't advertise your thread on other people's replay threads.
Last edited by Lane; Aug 20, 2013 at 02:26 AM.
Originally Posted by Chaco View Post
At times you seem too low to the ground

I actually liked the way you stayed close to the ground. Your knee was a bit twitchy at times, but it wasn't that noticeable. The 10-frame spacing aspect was pretty cool, props for that. I'm not really a fan of poses with extended necks, but it didn't really hurt anything.
Great replay, keep it up
<Spartan094> jcan't into links fck bithse sg mgiet monehy lolololf
Opener + split looks great, really stylish.
Neck bothers me alot though.
The torso manip was a good idea, however the outcome of it was meh.
Messy head touches and the extended abs looked awkward, decap poorly aimed.

What I really like is how you end it, everything after the decap was very pretty.
Except that lazy twitch in the last frame.

Overall nice replay, messy parts and some movement things could've been fixed.
Last edited by zeto; Aug 21, 2013 at 01:16 PM.

Thank you Based Skeet God. <:

Edit - The end may seem iffy, but it reminded me of a baby chick trying to fly, which I found a bit funny. SO ALLOW ME TO SHARE MY LAUGHTER WITH ALL OF YOU <3
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Kiza - Atitle.rpl (491.4 KB, 39 views)
Last edited by Kiza; Aug 22, 2013 at 11:22 PM.
Opener was pretty cool with that little knee slide thing. I was not really fond of the split but that is just my personal preference , the next hit was nice. I definitely love the skeets in this replay.

The first ass-skeetcap was nicely done.
The next one seems like you could have gotten maybe both the glutes with a bit of editing but I probably am wrong.
The next one was probably my favorite because you went through the arms of the torso and hit the head.
Also that leg thing that you did was pretty cool
Really nice replay

Also thank you for giving me that amazing cnc on my thread c:
Last edited by Internet; Aug 22, 2013 at 10:53 PM.
Opener was nice, great job on it.

Split was ehh I guess, was expecting you to extend that leg, but its cool.
I like how you went for the ass instead of the usual crotch boom, and that butt skeet was great.

Kick skeet was well done, and the second skeet wasn't too shabby.

Some silly stuff goin on while you were in midair, but ending was nice.

Overall a few bumps here and there with movement, but really original and well executed.

Good job
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/

First kick looked very awkward, especially since you contracted your ankle.

The opener seemed stiff to me, and wasn't anything very exciting.

Nicely aimed skeets, but I'd try to get both ass cheeks off, one ass cheek off looks strange and asymmetrical in my opinion (notice almost all my replays have symmetrical dms).

Nicely done though, as always.
Welp, new practice replay.
I know, this style is really rough around the edges and slow, etc, but I'm working on it and starting to like it more and more. Hope you guys like it aswell.
Attached Files
Kiza_#Style Change 1.rpl (440.2 KB, 30 views)