Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Perfect Balance Competition!
If you have a replay of perfect balance, show us! The best demonstration of balance gets 500 credits! I shall post my own for a reference of what I mean by balance but I'll allow:

Landed, not tilting balance
Spinning, not moving around balance

500 frames
100 threshold
Any distance

Replays may NOT be edited.

Judgement will be based on longest held balancing act of either spinning in place, or landed, not tilting balance. Good luck!
Attached Files
Krin_PerfectBalance.rpl (41.7 KB, 53 views)
Re: Perfect Balance Competition!
Here is my perfect balance handstand. You have to press p at the last frame then press e and then let the replay run after it says red wins to see that it is really PERFECT. It goes on forever. Sorry that it is so many frames long but i made this a while ago and had my frames set at higher than 500 frames.
Attached Files
decaptocooleststall5.rpl (371.5 KB, 56 views)
Re: Perfect Balance Competition!
Heres one... not that it keeps on being perfect, but its pretty amazing 0_0
Attached Files
AcrobaticBalanceELD.rpl (20.9 KB, 40 views)
Re: Perfect Balance Competition!
Originally Posted by Patrick
Here is my perfect balance handstand. You have to press p at the last frame then press e and then let the replay run after it says red wins to see that it is really PERFECT. It goes on forever. Sorry that it is so many frames long but i made this a while ago and had my frames set at higher than 500 frames.

Wow, ze omgness. :o
Re: Perfect Balance Competition!
This is absolutely perfect balance ^^... Btw, do this competition ever end? :

Edit: can't get link to work =_O sry
Attached Files
PerfectBalanceELD.rpl (18.2 KB, 23 views)