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NEED QUALIFIED ANSWER: 15 ng/ml Marijuana test
Ok so here's the deal, I
Smoked last Saturday and had no intentions on enlisting into the army right right this second(hence why I even smoked in the first place) but I talked to a recruiter and he offered an option 40 airborne ranger contract. I scored higher than I needed on the asvab, and this contract is rare as fuck, like only a select few people get offered them. Now I will be getting piss tested on Monday which is 9 days after the time of smoking. All things I've read so far say I should be A-okay since I smoked about 5 hits total and it was the only time I'd smoked in 6 months. That being said if I piss hot at MEPS then I'm a no go to ANY branch of the military. The drug test is 15 ng/ml which is the highest sensitivity there is so I'm basically having a panic attack at all times of the day wondering what to do. I'm going to take my chances cause this is a crazy rare contract that's starting me into my goal of special forces, but I'm honestly scared. SO CAN SOMEONE, PREFERABLY SOMEONE WITH A MEDIDAL BACKGROUND, INFORM ME ON WHETHER I SHOULD HE GOOD OR NOT. By the way, I work out every day, I'm in great shape, drink tons of water, have about 12-13% BF at the moment, and am
Taking every flush method into account. THANKS IN ADVANCE
Looks like you should be okay since you only did it a few times

Alright, scratch that. Messaged a friend in medical school, "THC metabolites remain in the body for weeks, mainly due to fat sequestration. Your friend is boned."
Last edited by Kyure; Nov 6, 2015 at 05:12 AM.
You're fine if its just a piss test
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
Looks like you should be okay since you only did it a few times

Alright, scratch that. Messaged a friend in medical school, "THC metabolites remain in the body for weeks, mainly due to fat sequestration. Your friend is boned."

I am aware of the metabolites thing, that's all it tests for. THC itself doesn't actually stay in your body at all. But that being said, I have read on multiple medical websites that it is completely gone after 3 days or less (only because I smoked one time like 4-5 hits and have never been a "heavy smoker" but was a casual smoker about 6 months ago.) anyways I am not doubting your friend in the medical fields knowledge but maybe you asked him the question in a way that may have caused him to misunderstand?
I literally copied and pasted what you said to him Datsick. I would recommend holding out. I know the guy well, and I would trust him with my life.

Of course, I have no proof of that haha.
I've been in your position before, and, given how late you've left it (only 3 days until your test) you're gonna have to skip the first step. The first step would normally be to do a whole lot of exercise until about 4 days before the test. The second step, which you should do right up until your test, is to eat tonnes of fatty foods. This will suck any weed you've got travelling throughout your body into your fat. That means that when you go for a piss, no weed shit will come out. Just to make certain though, on the day, drink loads of water (more than a liter) right from when you wake up. Make sure you've pissed at least 4 times before you get to your test. Whenever you finish a piss, drink some water to replace what just left your body. This will essentially make you piss continually every 30min. Before test day, purchase Vitamin B12 tablets (can get them at any chemist). On test day, eat a bunch of them. These tablets turns the clear water you're going to be pissing out into an acceptable piss-color. If the sample you provide them is too clear and clearly doesn't look like piss, then they'll either fail you or get you to give them a better sample later. You might want to test out the B12 tablets before test day, so you know how much to take (if you take too much, your piss turns fluorescent).

As I said, I've used this message before with success. You might not even need to use this method since you're such a light smoker, but better be safe than sorry eh? At the very least, eat shitloads of fatty foods and don't do any exercise until the test.
Last edited by Ele; Nov 6, 2015 at 11:48 AM.
It helps to not put the initial stream in the cup.

Piss a little in the toilet bowl first, then piss in the cup.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
I would say get some of your piss from before you did the drugs.
Use on of your friend's urine? c:
It always helps to NOT DO DRUGS :l