Original Post
Somewhat minor bug report.
I've found a bug in which, upon editing a replay on the first frame under certain conditions, it messes with how your character is positioned.

I am running Toribash 4.31 on Mac OS X Lion Version 10.7.5 through Steam, though I've found the bug still occurs whether it's through Steam or not.

In order to get this bug to work, this is what you do (images are large, and are thus not embedded):

First, move the tori in any way:

Space a few frames; not really important how many, as it works regardless of how many. The bug only occurs if you don't move any body parts after the initial frame:

Go to edit this replay and pause it on the very first frame, as shown:

Upon pressing e to edit, your tori should snap to whatever position you stopped on in step 2. Everything will be relaxed, including uke, and all grabs will be reset:

This allows you to make replays not starting from the default T-shape, as attached.
Attached Files
BugExample.rpl (3.0 KB, 9 views)
Replay editing is broken in 4.31. IMO don't bother with single player of any replay editing unless you're using an older version.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by 0600Hours View Post
Any version in particular that you recommend?

3.9 worked well for it. So did 4.1 iirc.