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[Solved] Surveys don't give TC?
I recently did 3 servers a 7-zip download for 1,044TC and 2 ArcaMax things that gave me a total of around 400TC and i've been waiting for a while now and they wont give anything. Help
I haven't do surveys yet. But if you are searching for tc, I suggest you to make some textures and sell it, if its great it can be more than 20k. Or you can play the tourney to get some tc, try to read this
I think the survey feature has been dead for years.
Anyhow, there are other ways to earn tc, some mentioned above.

You could win tournaments in-game, for either 500 or 750 tc (Only if you win the tourney). Or you could sell artwork, such as textures for the in-game part, signatures or avatars (for the forum).

Or you could try marketing, of course I think that would require quite an amount of tc.

Edit: You also have Game Master Tournaments, which are tourneys with greater prizes and random mods, of course there's more skilled players there as well...
Last edited by Fenris; Jun 7, 2012 at 04:29 PM.
Some of the surveys are broken. I have no idea if they'll be repaired, so I suggest you to do what guys above said.
If a survey doesn't work then you're supposed to contact the survey provider as stated.

I'm assuming it's the survey one page, in which case you need to poke the orange "get help" button. So long as you've done everything the survey asked you'll have no problem getting the credits.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you