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[Solved] I can't get to the new belt after playing required games
OK, so i have been playing the game for a week now and every time I win I've been noticing that it says "20 games till yellow belt" ever since I've joined. My friend has been getting the same problem and recently he jumped from white belt to blue belt and we both started the same time. I tried to see if winning on official servers worked, but winning there still got me the "20 games till yellow belt" so i don't know what to try anymore, and yes i also won 20 games. (I played with my friend and counted how many games i won not counting the ones i won before that.)
u need to wait for the server to update it.
Plus. i dont think it works on private servers.
only in public i think
3DS FC :4038-6911-2047
Pokemon Player. LoZ and other Nintendo shit. =]