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[Gallery] Dump of pixel artz
So yeah, i felt that i needed to make a new thread where i could dump my newer stuff. I'll start where i left in the other thread. For those of you who don't know, i'll be dumping my pixel art in here.

Edit: I use GraphicsGale for the sprites, and Gimp for transparency.


- Isometric makes for fucked reality.

- No my name is not M.C. Escher and i am absolutely not comparable to that genius.

- It is... A fish. And it's currently my avatar as well.

- A bunch of smileys, made by yours truly. But why? To replace some god-awful smileys on another (now dead) forum. Also to add some much needed ones. =P

- Miniature battlefield, made for a GATA competition. And yes, that is a red dragon toasting a guy in the background.

- What.

- It's a beholder allright. But unlike the bitch found in D&D, this guy shoots lasers, not magic.

- A first-person view of a full-plated dude who punches a level 24 Uber Skeleton Doomdestroyer (fork you i'm the artist) in the face. Inside a dungeon.

- Robotic fish. Why? I say, why not? :U

- Futuristic combat boot. Because i felt like it. =P

- A very large pistol. Scale is 1 pixel to 5 cm.

- ARMor. AKA the ARMadillo. The blue "skin" you see is actually armor as well, functioning like a skintight bulletproof vest.


- Fun with perspective.

- It's one of them scythes.

- Now with added background/removed transparency, and added anti-aliasing.

- 1000 Zt = 10^24 tons. Made to celebrate 1000 pageviews on DeviantArt. I think i'll do outlines next time, maybe.

- MOUSTACHE SMILEY, HO! Which i conveniently made for deadys moustache thread.

- You're seriously not the brightest torch in the tunnel if you don't get it. Enjoying it is another matter, however.

- Introducing Jerry, the sentient carnivorous plant with a long list of odd facts. For the full list, look no further than here.

- Jerry tends to show up at odd places.

- Duct tape. It will cure your testicular cancer.

- sup


- I think that speaks for itself.

- This is Garry, Jerry's older brother.

- Gatling SMG. Because we CAN.

- Coolface yo.

- Angry glare of doom.

- Oh happy day.

- omg

- Get off mah lawn you little rascals!

- *Facepan* (My favourite of the lot :U)

- An alien spaceship. Any resemblance with the Warhammer 40k Necrons is entirely unintentional.

- Moar alien spaceship, this time with a gianormous cannon.

- Human(?) spaceship.

- Dinko the kobold. He's an awfully curious one.

- Basically the above but four times larger.

- Dinko again, but this time with moar improvement.

- Gentlemen.

- This is Larry. He's Jerry and Garrys brother. He is completely insane and perpetually hungry, so you'll want to stay away from him, or you will get eaten and/or killed. His different looks is due to a genetic mutation.

- boingboingboingboingboingboing

- His name is P.R-33 and he is not someone you want to cross paths with.

- P.R-33, once again. This time with more details, bloodstains, Dinko and a gray background. Poor Dinko i say. :U

- This, ladies and gentlemen, is the Mace of Epic Baldness. The wielder becomes EPIC BALD, the victims are cursed to be PLAIN BALD forever, and the mace also radiates an AURA OF BALDNESS, that makes people TEMPORARILY BALD if they remain within 2 meters for more than 10 minutes. Duration of baldness is time spent near the mace minus the 10 initial minutes and multiplied by 10. The guy in the image is Mr. Baldie. His shirt says "BALD". His face is by far the most detailed human face i've drawn so far. Also, x2 zoom for you people who take issues with small images.

- CYBORG HELLBEAR BAZOOKA CAVALRY. The 2000 in the fire is a reference to 2000 pageviews on DeviantArt. Also, the hellbear is Swedish.

- This is Charles J. Toothworm. He was made for a competition, so i had to use this very limited palette.

- Durpzilla. 30 meter tall invulnerable lizard with the IQ of a doorknob.


- First boss from my game. It's a screenshot, hence the blurred turrets.

- It's odd how 3000 pageviews on deviantArt made me make this.

- am caevman

- Bigga shoota?

- Yes i know it sucks, i don't care.

- Little animation i put together for the hell of it.


- This dorf is a sciencedorf. He does science with hammers, ale and magma.

- This is Dorf McAxelord. He is very good with an axe. He also has an axe.

- THIS... Is an axe. Probably made of zinc or something. :U

- Aliens from my gaem. I know the middle one isn't super good, they're aliens!

- An artifact raw adamantine scepter, courtesy of dorfs.

- Artifact copper ladle. It will............... GET your pour on like no other ladle.

- Y'all might have seen this before in that "mindsettings" thread made by Sly. Basically, it's a depiction of the fictional omniverse in my mind. There's also quite a description to go with it, but i'll spare you that here. :U (and instead have the image link to the full description on deviantArt)

- This guy is Ampersand, a demon from the abyssal plane. He might look all happyfriendly and stuff, but make no mistake, he's more deadly than anything Hell could throw at you.

- And a bit closer to Ampersand's face. First one is normal, second one is pissed, and the third one isn't covered in darkness. Basically, everything after the first face makes you want to run away really fast.


- aw shoot heck it's EPRD again

- anrgy demon

- The result of an art block. At least Cube could get an avatar out of it. :U

- Shiny artifact weapons. My aim was to make them look viable in combat as well as artifact-y. The spear looking like it would get stuck all the time is entirely deliberate.

- It is a fishosaurus. Based on this doodle i made on a sleepless night.

- Some glacial cave thingy i made while listening to glacial-sounding music. Really quick thing, hence the low level of details.

- I say! Goblin gentleman. Gobleman.

- Urist McLincoln. He provides solutions to all problems. hint: involves magma

- Had a go at making a legitimately scary monster; i call it the Shelled Cerberan Chimera. Don't know about you, but i wouldn't want to run across this guy, especially when you consider that that little squiggle below its foot is an adult human. Here is an extended description if you want to know all the details. I messed up with the visibility on the central head, but it's there. Those red dots? They're eyes.

- part of the very big monster that is the Red Tri-Horror

- An artifact sword, based on the description given by a friend. It's supposed to have menacing spikes of leather, but how the fuck do you make leather spikes on a sword? Hence, fins.

- Pictured: Feuron the demon lord making his entry upon a hapless little fort. Unfortunately, his idea of an entry consists of grabbing the nearest human and tearing him/her in half, which is his way of saying "i do not come in peace, start dying before i kill you horribly". The other guard is currently accusing the demon of trespassing. Zoomed in so you can see all the annoying little flaws.


- derkasaurus and spikybro are good friends you know

- Dinosaur coloring/shading process because i was bored.

- lovely gentleman with bowler hat


- he can smell all the butts within a 2000 yard radius

- gems because SHINY

- and a cyan dinosaur because dinosaurs are awesome

- GREAT FLAMING ASSTEROID crashing down on a serene lake (3 colors)

- and a dargon

- Made for an art trade with this lass. What did i get? Well, god tier things.

- Made for this Kickstarter. I thought like "CULT? CULTIST, ROBES!!" and then made this. I don't really like the walls, but that's a bit late to change now.

- Another thing for that Kickstarter above. This time, i don't like the castle facade, it looks terrible. The foreground grass is also pretty iffy, but it's better than what i usually do.

- And the final thing made specifically for the Kickstarter. The only thing i don't really like about it is the dirt texture, otherwise i like how it turned out.

- Trying to solidify the design of EPRD. Went decently (even though the front view was nightmarish to get right), but it probably still needs some tweaking.

- Dinosaur, of course! What's special about this guy is the way i went about drawing him. I started out by stacking boxes and then fiddling with them to make them look like that. It also helped tremendously with the shading to actually have some shapes to go after.

Comments and criticism appreciated. :U

Edit: Added the new stuff.

Edit: Added moooooooooooore stuff.

Last edited by Shook; Sep 4, 2012 at 02:24 PM. Reason: very mysterious
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
That 'fucked reality' shuff is rly nice shook!
You is the Pixelking
Artist: Nightmare | Previous Owners: --- | Resolution: 512 | Modifications: On Request, No fee if simple

Shoo,you are very good at pixel stuffs :3 i liek em.
Last edited by Delaid; Oct 1, 2009 at 04:54 AM.
Centuries Of Damn
Thanks a lot, guys.
Also, a couple o' new things...

- Robotic fish. Why? I say, why not? :U

- Futuristic combat boot. Because i felt like it. =P
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
holy shit, I never thought of doing impossible isometric art :O

*scurries off to experiment*


I made another animated avatar.
Last edited by Diealready; Sep 25, 2009 at 11:58 PM.
@rafufu: Inorite. ;o

@terty: Thanks!

@Slycooper: Honestly, i'm not too proud of it either. It all seemed nice while magnified, but once i zoomed out again, it was almost too small and chaotic to see what's going on.

@Dialready: Sweetness. :U

Also, a couple of new things.

- A very large pistol. Scale is 1 pixel to 5 cm.

- ARMor. AKA the ARMadillo. The blue "skin" you see is actually armor as well, functioning like a skintight bulletproof vest.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol