Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Draw goat and get 100k
Yo. The thread says the objective by itself. This is the best event ever.

1. Draw goat
2. Use just paint
3. Post here your goat and the story why your goat is cool. Story must contain one russian word. And also it has to be drawn for lulz. No realism or difficult pixel art pls.
4. The winner will be chosen by the best event hoster and handsome guy - Tarlan in 15/04/2018

Prize - 100.000 toricredits. You could buy that useless stuff like color or something with that prize. So, just try it. Maybe your goat will be the best.
Last edited by Tarlan; Apr 4, 2018 at 03:07 AM.
Hosted >3000 events b4 you even was born.
Please avoid such posts in future. This thread is only for entries for this incredible event. Other posts like "lol wtf" will be hardly reported by my own muscular arm.
Hosted >3000 events b4 you even was born.

my goat is easily the best and will win this competition for best goat on this thread
please do not post a goat after me because it won't win this competition for best goat on this thread
if you think you might have a better goat than me please don't think that because my goat will be the best goat on this thread
the reason my goat is the best goat on this thread is because he is an ENTP, one of the most powerful personalities and has lots of goat bitches, since he's the best goat on this thread
another reason is because his mom raised him properly and didn't let him eat any garbage he only ate veggies and meat which makes him the best goat on this thread
if you think you MIGHT have the best goat on this thread think again wise guy because you don't and you should feel bad you stinkin hecker
thanks for reading hope you give up and watch me win this goat challenge
Last edited by hobo; Apr 4, 2018 at 04:28 AM.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Read the rules again please. It must contain at least one russian word. We russians love goats.

You can edit your post, instead of adding new one. I'm ok with it. I'm so kind and cool.
Hosted >3000 events b4 you even was born.

This is Sean. He has been known to smoke марихуана and his post quality is constantly going down the drain. This is why he is the coolest goat.
Heren my goat

pls be carefuyl opening

this is my goat, his name is Dmitri. Dmitri was raised in the mountains and at a young age, his parents were slaughtered right infront of his eyes by a gunman wearing a cape. Ever since this tragic encounter, Dmitri has been lifting weights to cope with the fact that his parents were murdered in cold blood... or was it?? One day Dmitri is walking down the streets when a gunman in a cape stops him and asks for all his money. While Dmitri is panicckcking, he notices that this gunman is the same one that killed his parnets. As he realizes this, he goes into an unstoppable rage and curbstomps the gunman while baa'ing agressively. Dmitri is complimented on his heroic actions and is called "Baaaadass". When this happened, Dmitri happened to be a single goat living on his own, but because he was the town hero, a Проститутка was sent to his home and turns out they fell in love and had 300 little goat babies.

Pros of Dmitri:
1. Big arms.
2. Rock hard abs like the side of a mountain
3. MMmmmmm pecs.
4. Mad chest hair

Cons of Dimtri
1. No cons


@Vanish: the winner will get 100.000tc

Check out my account. I'm not lying. I'm not liar. I'm just the best man in the world. And handsome.
Hosted >3000 events b4 you even was born.