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What you like about Halloween
What do you like most about Halloween?
Personally I adore Halloween because it brings friends and family together. Obviously some of you may think that the sweets enhance the mood but to me it's about sharing the fun equally with everyone. I also love carving pumpkins!
So, what's your favourite thing in Halloween?
Eating Free candy.
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Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
The sluts in the skimpy costumes


And wearing masks that makes it impossible for unsuspecting females to spot you checking them out. Hence Rorschach this year.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
The sluts in the skimpy costumes

In trick or treat that would be in the treat section for me ;o
Hmmm...I wish we could do some sort of double poll here. To determine what the interests are and compare it to the age groups.

Mostly to see what age people stop liking halloween for the candy, and start liking it for the **** *** ****** who ***** and just make you want to ******* ***** until you ******* and have to **** sideways.
daddy kill the spider