Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post

this is something basic to start of.

i'm also adding the other somewhat successful attempts at manipulation
Attached Files
the start of my learning.rpl (187.8 KB, 26 views)
lets test this out......rpl (163.6 KB, 14 views)
lets test this out.....6.rpl (158.0 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by bgjames1; Jun 29, 2017 at 07:15 PM.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
here's some of your requested (and very well deserved) criticism

a basic rule of english is that if a word starts with a vowel sound, you use "a" and if it starts with a consonant sound, you use "an"

also i had honestly thought everyone was joking when they said your replays were extremely bad, especially since your thread has been open for almost four years

but i didn't listen to them even though i hadn't watched your replays since i thought "surely he can't be that bad after four fucking years"
i just looked now and saw u stole the notnoob replay lmao

these replays are bad, they were not successful

i can't even suggest legitimate criticism because i know after four years of getting it you won't do anything with it

find a more obscure replay to steal and post it here so we can contrast someone else's replay they put time and work into and your replays that probably took 3 minutes to make

keep it up buddy!
When you go to insult someones replay making but realize you're even worse so you have to post on an alt. s m h

you're movement was weird and you can set the kick up way better btw.
Originally Posted by ramenkid8 View Post
here's some of your requested (and very well deserved) criticism

a basic rule of english is that if a word starts with a vowel sound, you use "a" and if it starts with a consonant sound, you use "an"

also i had honestly thought everyone was joking when they said your replays were extremely bad, especially since your thread has been open for almost four years

but i didn't listen to them even though i hadn't watched your replays since i thought "surely he can't be that bad after four fucking years"
i just looked now and saw u stole the notnoob replay lmao

these replays are bad, they were not successful

i can't even suggest legitimate criticism because i know after four years of getting it you won't do anything with it

find a more obscure replay to steal and post it here so we can contrast someone else's replay they put time and work into and your replays that probably took 3 minutes to make

keep it up buddy!

are u somebody that I have seen before I'm not quite sure.....sources point to me that it might have been Dezrai or Sky putting u up to this or even funnier YOUR one of those two people. Nobody will have my dedication and nobody ever will.3 MINUTES?? If you think the stuff I'm doing is three minutes long then I might as well make a replay with me moving one joint Throughout the whole session. Also I'm ask this question: why are you going all the way back to older threads? are you replay stealing? Cause IMO your like everybody else you don't care about shit but yourself. your irrelevant go back to the wibbles thread.

Oh and before you try stealing some replays on your own. I would love to see you top everybody in the replay section be my guest.....anyways thanks flame it's a start here another.

Attached Files
all your fault.rpl (383.6 KB, 16 views)
aaa 8.rpl (243.1 KB, 6 views)
aaa 13.rpl (333.6 KB, 8 views)
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
i did make this very long reply which is mostly bashing you and the dumb shit you said so tl;dr

1. proper grammar does in fact go a very long way
2. trying to turn the fact the you stole someone's replay around on them does not work, especially when you do not have proper grammar (Refer to step one!)
3. flames if you don't know what your talking about it's probably best for everyone if you don't speak on the matter at hand

Chapter one: Flamesmash knows what he's talking about.
Originally Posted by Flamesmash View Post
When you go to insult someones replay making but realize you're even worse so you have to post on an alt. s m h

you're movement was weird and you can set the kick up way better btw.

a couple of things
at what point would i have realized that i am somehow worse than him?
if it was before i made the post, why would i have made the post?
if it was while i was making the post, why would i have posted it?
if it was after i made the post, why would have i not deleted it?

i know your replays aren't too great either but i haven't seen anything from you lately so i may be wrong (it's very likely i'm not wrong, though)

but realize you're even worse

you had it right this time
you're movement

not so much this time

you're = you are
also i'm posting on an alt because

Chapter two: Personal vendetta
Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
are u somebody that I have seen before I'm not quite sure.....sources point to me that it might have been Dezrai or Sky putting u up to this or even funnier YOUR one of those two people. Nobody will have my dedication and nobody ever will.3 MINUTES?? If you think the stuff I'm doing is three minutes long then I might as well make a replay with me moving one joint Throughout the whole session. Also I'm ask this question: why are you going all the way back to older threads? are you replay stealing? Cause IMO your like everybody else you don't care about shit but yourself. your irrelevant go back to the wibbles thread.

Oh and before you try stealing some replays on your own. I would love to see you top everybody in the replay section be my guest.....anyways thanks flame it's a start here another.

this shit is all over the place, i'm not sure what you tried to say to me but i'll make an admirable effort attempting to decode this

are u somebody that I have seen before I'm not quite sure....

how would i know you weren't anyone who i had seen before
sources point to me that it might have been Dezrai or Sky putting u up to this or even funnier YOUR one of those two people.

not sure what you were trying to do here with this bizarre arrangement of words, but i understand what you're saying
i'm not sure which sky you are talking about, and dezrai has barely played toribash for the past 6 months
why would you believe that i'm incapable of thinking for myself? that doesn't make sense
even if dezrai or "sky" "put me up to this," why do you think i would tell you legitimate things that are 100% true? if someone were to "put me up" to anything, i'm sure it would be to fuck with them, but i put my sincere feelings into that post
you've been making replays for a long time and have nothing to show for it, that's all i was trying to say
also neither of those things would have been funny

Nobody will have my dedication and nobody ever will.3 MINUTES?? If you think the stuff I'm doing is three minutes long then I might as well make a replay with me moving one joint Throughout the whole session.

nobody has your dedication because this game is dead, and people have already had much more dedication to this game because they improved 1000 times faster than you did
and yes, three minutes was a more than generous assumption due to the replay honestly looking like a joke replay

Also I'm ask this question: why are you going all the way back to older threads? are you replay stealing? Cause IMO your like everybody else you don't care about shit but yourself. your irrelevant go back to the wibbles thread.

i'm answer this question:
i'm going back to older threads because (in case you somehow skimmed over it) i said this
also i had honestly thought everyone was joking when they said your replays were extremely bad, especially since your thread has been open for almost four years

but i didn't listen to them even though i hadn't watched your replays since i thought "surely he can't be that bad after four fucking years"

once again i thought these were joke replays lmao

your like everybody else you don't care about shit but yourself. your irrelevant go back to the wibbles thread.

baa white man evil baa toribash player evil
i felt that correcting your grammar got redundant but you really outdid yourself that time
how can you judge my relevance based on an alt posting on your thread in a ragdoll fighting game that has like 100 active players?

Oh and before you try stealing some replays on your own. I would love to see you top everybody in the replay section be my guest.....

you're acting like you didn't steal that guy's replay lmao
also i think i have a pass on this one because i made replays for 1 year then quit, you've been making replays since 2012 and you kind of got the larfen treatment for some reason
"oh these replays would have been good like 8 years ago, but they're perfectly good and fine now because that's when you played the game"

your perception is skewed by the fact that you had a lot of views on your thread

anyways, i forgot how fun these posts were to make
good bye !!

Last edited by ramenkid8; Jul 1, 2017 at 09:11 AM. Reason: educate the white eyed kids
I would love to dedose yours.

Originally Posted by ramenkid8 View Post
i did make this very long reply which is mostly bashing you and the dumb shit you said so tl;dr

Of course you did that's what all people out of every section;out of every session; LOVE to do. Now your gonna be a asshole along with the rest of those clowns.

3. flames if you don't know what your talking about it's probably best for everyone if you don't speak on the matter at hand

Now your gonna hate on my own clan mates?? your a fucking ass at least there people that actually accepted me as a person unlike you you Garbage human being.You should get off the computer and stop worried about my fucking problems and walk away.I don't want hear shit from u dude

Chapter one: Flamesmash knows what he's talking about.

a couple of things
at what point would i have realized that i am somehow worse than him?
if it was before i made the post, why would i have made the post?
if it was while i was making the post, why would i have posted it?
if it was after i made the post, why would have i not deleted it?

i know your replays aren't too great either but i haven't seen anything from you lately so i may be wrong (it's very likely i'm not wrong, though)

you had it right this time
not so much this time

you're = you are

Bullshit. As previously stated You don't care about shit.
also i'm posting on an alt because

This is even funnier your one of Rial's boys the guys who say "god" when I show up and talk shit when I leave. Go figure.

how would i know you weren't anyone who i had seen before

probably you hang out with people who are even more assholes then yourself.
For the other long ass portion you barely even CnC you just said "These replays suck, those attempts are not successful."

nobody has your dedication because this game is dead, and people have already had much more dedication to this game because they improved 1000 times faster than you did
and yes, three minutes was a more than generous assumption due to the replay honestly looking like a joke replay

Ok,I don't care. If that was a generous assumption,I want to hear the actual truth. The replay was read as a SIMPLE replay it was not meant to be good but to be a start.

i'm answer this question:
i'm going back to older threads because (in case you somehow skimmed over it) i said this
once again i thought these were joke replays lmao

I love how you like living in the past cause throughout the whole tl;dr stuff it talks mostly about 2015 bullshit all over again.

baa white man evil baa toribash player evil
i felt that correcting your grammar got redundant but you really outdid yourself that time
how can you judge my relevance based on an alt posting on your thread in a ragdoll fighting game that has like 100 active players?

See now you stepping over the line now. I can judge whatever that feels prevalent and you are by far are the most stereotypical person I've seen for a long time.

you're acting like you didn't steal that guy's replay lmao
also i think i have a pass on this one because i made replays for 1 year then quit, you've been making replays since 2012 and you kind of got the larfen treatment for some reason
"oh these replays would have been good like 8 years ago, but they're perfectly good and fine now because that's when you played the game"

Again,staying in the past. WRONG I took a break a couple times in those stretches. What do you think I should be a noob and Forget all the controls?

and btw I never said or even thought that gay shit in my life.I just went for it and didn't care.

your perception is skewed by the fact that you had a lot of views on your thread


Give him a round of applause

anyways, i forgot how fun these posts were to make
good bye !!

Yeah you love too you fucking grammar Nazi.Old school ass Grammar Nazi from 2009 bringing it back to 2017 take this shit to PM's no more of this shit on my thread. Good riddance.

(P.S delete yours and I delete mine.)
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
i'm very glad i do find making these fun still

the red line means you spelled it wrong
people who have never used a computer in their life could realize that. it's not relevant in the slightest, but it really makes you look like you don't put any effort into saying shit

i'll try to keep this one shorter

Of course you did that's what all people out of every section;out of every session; LOVE to do. Now your gonna be a asshole along with the rest of those clowns.

what did you mean by "people out of every section/session love to bash my replays"

huh ??

Now your gonna hate on my own clan mates?? your a fucking ass at least there people that actually accepted me as a person unlike you you Garbage human being.You should get off the computer and stop worried about my fucking problems and walk away.I don't want hear shit from u dude

how am i worrying about your problems by correcting your friend's grammar
you people honestly don't understand how poorly you write these extremely long posts
pimp does the exact same shit, and we've called him out on it because it's funny. he'll type like 10 paragraphs with no period and it's hard to read because of Poor Grammar
nonetheless, the grammar things were more of an insightful thing for future reference so you don't look the same way you do when you decide to insult someone you don't know

Bullshit. As previously stated You don't care about shit.

here you just quoted my entire reply to flames, so IN TURN, i don't know what you were calling bullshit
being concise with each point really helps in being understood easier

This is even funnier your one of Rial's boys the guys who say "god" when I show up and talk shit when I leave. Go figure.

haven't talked to rial since 2015 when i left [ae], and even then i barely knew him
and yes, i'm the type of person who talks shit behind someone's back then posts a fucking essay on their thread, talking shit

probably you hang out with people who are even more assholes then yourself.
For the other long ass portion you barely even CnC you just said "These replays suck, those attempts are not successful."

why would i hang out with assholes lol
that doesn't sound fun
my friends have common sense, if that's what you were trying to say
i barely gave you cnc because there was barely anything to cnc. i said more than a couple of times that i legitimately thought these were joke replays

OH I JUST looked back and you were replying to the "you weren't anyone who i had seen before" shit
how do those two things relate lol
i was telling you i had never seen your replays and you replied to that with "you probably hang out with big asshole mean monsters...."
huh ??

Ok,I don't care. If that was a generous assumption,I want to hear the actual truth. The replay was read as a SIMPLE replay it was not meant to be good but to be a start.

why did you post it then? do you not have pride in what you do?
i think i understand now that another factor of why these people have so many views on their threads is that they post a half ass replay every day, then people say, "oh ggraet job you r my freijnd nice replay ahhaha :"

I love how you like living in the past cause throughout the whole tl;dr stuff it talks mostly about 2015 bullshit all over again.

on the last point you said it wasn't meant to be good, it was meant to be a start
you had your start 5 years ago
when you opened your replay thread
and started making replays

you called me a hypocrite but that's a bit damning

See now you stepping over the line now. I can judge whatever that feels prevalent and you are by far are the most stereotypical person I've seen for a long time.

you can judge whatever feels prevalent? are you god ??
you don't judge how popular someone is by looking at them
u really do think of yourself as a toribash legend

Again,staying in the past. WRONG I took a break a couple times in those stretches. What do you think I should be a noob and Forget all the controls?


and btw I never said or even thought that gay shit in my life.I just went for it and didn't care.

how can you not care and beg for cnc at the same time?


i never asked you to stop making replays

Yeah you love too you

lmao what ??
fucking grammar Nazi.Old school ass Grammar Nazi from 2009 bringing it back to 2017 take this shit to PM's no more of this shit on my thread. Good riddance.

you're acting
(P.S delete yours and I delete mine.)

yes i will delet shortly sorry freind
i don't care if I get an infraction but holy shit this is hilarious

also ramen go debunk my thread it needs some of your cnc omfg

also bg he has a point. you've been replaymaking for longer than I have and you've gotten loads more good cnc yet you still have trouble. the only thing I could think of that would make it so you still wouldn't be good wouldn't be your dedication and more so your lack of it. I'm not sure if you put effort in to your replays or not but ramen has a point when he says that it looks like a joke replay with zero effort put in.
Climbing like you've never seen before (parody of xlr84life's thread):
Very epic bacon for the win indeed, but unfortunately this isn't the place to sling shit at other people so feel free to talk about replays instead.
oh yeah
listening to ur music with the replay did make it more "epic bacon" but try being more fluid maybe try not moving joints so suddenly maybe and try keeping a constant speed maybe on day you replay will be "epic peanut butter jelly time"
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