Original Post
Terragen Desktops
Hamade's and Mr Falco's Terragen Background Shop
for Microsoft Windows XP/Vista

I have been practicing with Terragen for about 2 weeks now. I mastered all the basics including some harder things such as Storm Clouds, Sunsets, Planets, Sunrays and a few more others.

Every background has a max resolution of 800x600 (thank you Photobucket). If you want to have it in a high resolution than 800 x 600 pls specify that to me. Also pls tell me what type of scenery you want (beaches not possible (yet)) and send your e-mail to me through PM.
Such as Mountains, Plains, Sea, Rocky Shore, Canyon and so forth (northpole is possible too). Also you can order an edit in PhotoShop to have your name added to the Scenery in any font type you want from DaFont.com (also pls post url to the font).

Here are a few examples of my work. (all recent)


Terragen only
  1. Resolution 800 x 600 and below: 100 credits
  2. Resolution between 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768: 150 credits
  3. Resolution 1024 x 768: 200 credits
  4. Resolution between 1024 x 768 and 1280 x 960: 250 credits
  5. Resolution 1280 x 960: 350 credits (This is the Size Limit)
Editted in Photoshop
  1. Resolution 800 x 600 and below: 150 credits
  2. Resolution between 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768: 200 credits
  3. Resolution 1024 x 768: 250 credits
  4. Resolution between 1024 x 768 and 1280 x 960: 300 credits
  5. Resolution 1280 x 960: 400 credits

Waiting list:

  • Skullkid

Mr Falco

P.S. We are still loking for somebody with experience in photoshop. For further info pls contact me or Mr Falco. Profit of any items sold will be completly devided between people working on it. I will keep a file on every profit made and will share the profit of every 2 weeks between the people that have worked on the project.

Last edited by Hamade; Jul 7, 2007 at 04:53 PM.
How about 2560x1024 ??

Also, how is a wallpaper limited to Windows XP / Vista?

Can I have something compatible with Ubuntu then since you seem to have invented new formats?

Don't think I have a 2560x1024 desktop? http://toribash.reversers.org/desktop.jpg
I has a flavour
.....Wow. Yeah, why are wallpapers only for windows? I'm pretty sure a MAC can use one. But I wouldn't know, I don't use one.
<Hector|Bday> for 3k tc
<Hector|Bday> I sold a photo of shit
i can do pretty nice terragens and was thinking about opening a shop like this myself, but i guess you beat me too it. those are very nice and i would show you some examples of mine but i'm at my uncles house and don't have them. also i have been using terragen for awhile and cant figure out how to do the snow thing. could you pm me how?
Mr flaco how about a co-op? Any slain I believe you in ur size. Want a photoshop editted one. And sorry about the Resolution errors I will on them now and start renderring yours. Ohw also I forgot to ass something. Pls send me your e-mail though PM else I won't be able to send you the wallpaper. And I don't know how MAC works either so I limited it. If Mac is compitable with .PNG background or .bmp backgrounds somebody please say so so I can edit the shop.

EDIT: the sizes of the images are all correct =)
EDIT2: sry slain but I got unregged version of Terragen wich only allows me a max size of 1280 x 960
Last edited by Hamade; Jul 1, 2007 at 01:02 PM.
Ill give you 500 for Resolution 5 Canyon with ligthing striking to the bottom. The place should be somewhere around the canyon where you make it. I know this sounds freaky because my english is so bad.
<jacadventour69> Hold the line...
<dragonforcerocks11> love isn't always on time...
<jacadventour69> It's not in the words that you told me, girl
<dragonforcerocks11> im not a girl douche