Definitely an interesting take on video editing (ihavenoideawhati'mtalkingabout), but it was quite hard on the eyes, and was a bit difficult to see at some points, especially the text. That being said, there were some awesome points where the slow-motion really helped (like around 38 seconds in ).

Personally I enjoyed it, very unique, at least to my knowledge. Maybe work on lowering the brightness a tad.
Last edited by Lempika; Nov 5, 2012 at 09:44 AM. Reason: BenD fixed the first post.
awesome stuff dude, really happy about this good non-dubstep edit.
colors, atmosphere and length are good!
just take care about the text next time, it's hard to read it at some times because it's a little to bright

qaywer Mongius BlubKill Jaker GerFight Pinheads Coolino <3 | [TEO] | [T3AL] | [HighTunesYT]
I like it really cool song
Nice slow-mo
Good effects out of all its just awesome
l AOD founder l
Reflexz Co founder
thought the slow motion was overdone, or not done correctly, it just felt slow and boring. didnt suit the music.
the smoke/fog effect worked most of the time, a few points where the toris shadow/reflection through it off though, most notably at the clip at 0:49

the part at 0:51 where the lighting went slightly darker was awesome, definitely an awesome feature.
editing overall was pretty good, some decent replays and stuff
good music choice, suits toribash quite well

my biggest suggestion would be to look at some other peoples videos, like slycooper, tengo, oracul and macperfect, maybe even andreyoshi. just to get a feel for how and when to use the slowmo.
slowmo videos can work, but it must work with the music, movements and timing etc.

overall a good effort, looking forward to more from you.
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