Original Post
[reward] CL19
Hey folks, congratulations on winning CL this year. I've sent the arm to the following members.


I still need to send one to Wounder and possibly Shmevin.
I can do small tweaks like the item name/picture. Let me know what you guys think.
black font for the text would be easier on the eyes imo
or black and red like our clan logo
<[Alpha]Diamond> in short: you count pings, you run, you lick boots
Hi, so as I said before in a discord I have some suggestions on this item. Before I start I want to clarify, this is my honest and personal opinion, based on my thoughts, vision and experience. The leaders' opinion can be different from mine and if they won't agree for some reason on this - well it's their right and their responsibility. I also want to clarify, because of the reason I don't know you, Goat, and you don't know me so we can misunderstand each other, - I hope you won't take it as a personal resentment, because every word I'm going to write after that disclamer concerns only this item and nothing else, moreover I respect the fact you do this project on a voluntary basis. And I do realize you may see/know/understand all these things without my advices. I also kindly ask you to read every word of my message, because this text is carefully crafted, and every word has been scrutinized. And it may have contain some grammar and other types of mistakes, I learned english by myself and I'm still learning.
1) At first I thought that the main problem of this object is a texture, but after the closer look I realized that the shape of it and the way you built it is far from a standard.
If you look from a different angle on this object you can notice that the inner side of it looks transparent. It happens when you do not extrude the form, when you leave a polygon as it is. You know better than me that even when you build a paper shit in 3d max for example it must contain at least 6 polygons for every side of it, other way you won't be able to put a texture on it. Correct me if I'm wrong.

puush pics(turn off the adblock)

On a second screenshot I also marked parts where the texture is clearly misplaced, I think that beside the problem, that texture itself is raw and obviously was made up very fast, it also has a bad mapping. If you use 3d's max you probably use a uvw unwrap, as I remember, even tho this tool is an automatic thing the result usually contains problems which you can only fix with your hands.
2)Second problem that some parts are placed weird, let me show you what I mean:


On the first screenshot I marked two things. First one is a rivet. If you've placed a rivet on a middle segment to make it look like it holds plates why didn't you place it on a wrist part? What "holds" that part then? Second thing is a word, that is dipped into another object disproportionately.
On the second screenshot I marked the same rivet, but in that case problem is... Isn't that supposed to "hold" not only an outer plate but also an inner one? If it's not, what's holding it then?
3)The last thing but not least.

not least

As I said before mapping is made not quite well and you can see it on different parts of the object, I marked just few more. I also want to focus your attention on these clasps. I don't want to offend you but they look more like the old lamp swithc than the real clasps. The biggest problem is that the clasp is smaller than the strap and it also placed on the side of a belt. The shape of both a strap and a clasp is very weird. I don't understand why you've made them THAT thick and on the other hand you've made the plates just flat. Abnormal size of the rod on the clasp is possible but the texture that is placed on the strap says that the rod should be smaller. Honestly, I've never seen these types of clasps where the middle rod is much bigger than the other parts of the clasp but gosh, this is a ragdoll fighting game after all, not the dark souls.

Okay, after I pined what in my opinion is wrong I want to tell you my personal thoughts on how can you fix these problems.
1) Extrude the plates and connect them with a polygons on the edges, so the texture can be placed on a both sides of it and so nobody will see these 3d letters which are drowned in the plates. You can make them thin but in my opinion regarding to the form of a ragdoll, which is built with a thick primitives, I'd rather you to make them thicker at least the size of a current clasps.
2) Place objects in a logical way. If you place a rivet on the middle part place it also on the other parts where they should be and make them hold both inner and outer plates.
That shoulder bracket is outplaced, it's just shrinking into a nothing, make it all the way around the shoulder plate and here I want to give you an advice, delete that bracket, add edges all the way around that outer plate and just extrude it and add these rivets. As an example you can use this pick which looks similar to your concept.


3) Please, redo a straps and a clasps, they doesn't look right comparing to a plates. Make a clasps slightly wider than a straps like they should be, and imo regarding to the shape of plates, which are smooth, make a clasps smooth to like the real ones. As for a straps, make them sinner in a half please, leather strap shouldn't be thicker than Ethan Clein.
4) Fix the words, they are placed disproportionately, some letters are dipped more than the others.
5) Texture and mapping. Fix the mapping please or make that texture, that won't let us see all these defects. Please, make a good looking texture. If you take a real gold texture then take a real leather and metal textures aswell, if you prefer to draw textures then paint them all. Scale the texture so it looks like a real one.
That's it, probably all I wanted to say. I want to repeat: this is my personal opinion based on my thoughts, vision and experience and it may be different from y'alls.
If you listen to me - I would be grateful, if you won't - well that's your legal right. Sending love to you in any case.
Respectfully yours, Hug.
Last edited by Hug; Aug 14, 2019 at 01:41 AM.