Original Post
[VID] Wanna Beer?

Ah, my first simple video. Not used any effects, music is simple and well known and, made in MS Movie Maker Enjoy it how much it can!


Last edited by TomPaine; Jan 26, 2012 at 11:22 PM.
I've deleted the spam and useless posts.

we updated the rules regarding videos. Check it out please and fix. Thanks for posting.

Vid information
Please include information such as the name of the song and artist used and the applications used to create the vid, when making a thread.

use the name and artist of the song please
Last edited by TomPaine; Jan 26, 2012 at 11:26 PM.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Just horrible.

No sync, camera work was horrible, I don't like how you included the sounds of the replays, bad transitions from the replays, replays were horrible, AND bad song choice.

*sigh...* Simply horrible... Sorry man. 1/10.
the goblin
Well at least the music is better then the videos that use dubstep, *ahem* correction, dubshit.

Replays 4/10, some made me lol, I'll give props on that.
Camera work 1/10, Seemed very laggy and all you really did was rotate around.
Music 3/10, when you hear the song way to much it becomes....well...almost unbearable